Magic Kingdom | Liberty Square

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Michael was a child at heart.

Coming to Disney World and walking around to go on the rides. Meeting the characters and having an actual conversation with his favorites, such as Peter Pan or Ariel.

Everything about coming to the parks relaxed him and brought him joy.

Michael walked around with Mickey Mouse ears placed perfectly on top of his head. He's had them for several years, not wanting to be a downer and leave it sitting in his room, no, he wore it proudly and ignored the stares from adults because he's at the happiest place on earth and he isn't going to let it get to him.

It was around lunch time and Michael was getting hungry. He made his way down and past the castle into Liberty Square to find his favorite little place to grab a bite to eat.

Sleepy Hollow.

The place where they sell his favorite Belgium waffles smothered with Nutella and assorted fruits; strawberries, bananas, and blueberries.

Granted, it wasn't healthy. Michael didn't care, he'd probably walk it all off by the end of the day anyway.

Michael grabbed his order and started to walk around, eating and attempting to check his watch for the time. Finishing up, he decided to head over to the Haunted Mansion ride around the corner.

Only to bump into a blue-eyed beauty wearing a cast member shirt.

Michael blushed, apologizing countless times.

The boy with blue eyes said it was okay, nothing to apologize for. Then proceeded to ask Michael for his name.

"Michael." He replied.

"Hopefully I'll see you around Prince Michael."


a/n: so chapters will be around this length

thoughts about it so far?

anything you might want to happen?

thanks for reading! <3

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