Where Did You Go

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I long to see the beauty in the world the way I once did
What was then a beacon of light, is now a dwindling darkness,
What used to be the beauty of a spark
Has become me dancing with the dark

Torn between my worlds, slowly becoming undone,
Wondering how to capture the essence of nothingness in a way that has not been done before
How cliche, the troubled artist trope
Roped in by its vices once again.

In pursuit of perfection, I sought a fools errand,
Forgetting to cherish and capture the imperfection that lies right in front of me,
Behind all these complex rhyme schemes and melodies,
Lies a maestro, that cannot even control his own symphony.

How have I fallen so far asunder,
Deepening myself into the unforeseen plunder,
Enough with the rhymes,
Let me put it into clear words,
When did a world of light shift into a world of darkness.

Longing for a love that surrounds me,
But yet somehow continues to cruise right past me,
It is in every smile, but why do they now look so unfamiliar?
What happened to me...what is happening to me.

Sorry, this is not my common poetry,
I hope that you are not too disappointed in me,
Hopefully I could reach you in a way a smile could not,
Because after all, thirty two teeth and I do not recognize a single one of them.

I somedays even long for my own shadow to recognize me,
But what do I look like, seeking the darkness behind me to light a path ahead.

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