part 2: reaped

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songs- she knows (J. Cole) and eat your young (hozier)

effie stood there, absolutely puzzled as she read the name on her card. other capitol officials on the stage went over to her to see what the issue was, while everyone in the audience looked around at each other.

aurelia figured that a boys name had dropped in there or something, and that's what all of the confusion was.

effie walked back up to the microphone and said "this somehow is not a mistake. our female tribute of this year is aurelia.. snow." the crowd gasped.

a snow? in district 12? who was this? even the peacekeepers looked shocked.

aurelia stood there frozen, nobody looking at her because nobody knew her. she took in a deep breath and wished for this to all go away. how could that happen?

"aurelia, dear please come up to the stage." effie announced as aurelia remained frozen in place as the peacekeepers who actually knew her approached her at a rapid pace.

they parted through the crowd and began to usher aurelia but she did not budge. now everyone was looking at her. they grabbed her by her arms and she began to sob.

they dragged her out of the rows of people, and while they were doing that one of her roses fell off of the crown. she screamed and insisted to go back for it.

she nudged the peace keepers away and walked back up to the stage while reattaching the rose to her crown.

"oh my darling! what an unexpected twist of fate. now for the boys.." she twirled her hand in the glass orb filled with the fateful papers of innocent district 12 boys.

"peeta mellark!" effie announced, back to her lively tone.

aurelia easily spotted the nervous blonde boy in the audience by the way everyone parted away from him, as if they would be safer away from him.

he walked up onto the stage and faced the audience completely stoic. his mouth gaping open slightly, not that differently from aurelia's own.

"here we have our district 12 tributes for the 74th annual hunger games! shake hands."

aurelia shifted her gaze from the audience to this boy she knows nothing about, peeta mellark. she outstretched her hand while he returned the favor and did the same. his hand lightly grazed her long white fingernails as he looked at them in confusion.

she gripped his hand tightly, pursed her lips and gulped.

"ladies and gentlemen, let's have a round of applause for your tributes, aurelia and peeta!" effie smiled, beaming from ear to ear. she was bursting with excitement. aurelia couldn't understand where effie's joy about the brutal hunger games came from.

instead of receiving claps from the audience they were greeted by everyone holding up their middle and pointer finger and separating them to create a 'V' after kissing them. the 'V' represented victory.

aurelia took off her rose crown and swiftly plucked all of the petals off as effie made some final announcements. she held them all in her hand and walked down the steps of the stage and sprinkled the petals all along the aisle in the audience.

she walked back up to the stage without saying a word and kissed her pointer and middle finger and held up the 'V' right before she and her co-tribute peeta were escorted off stage by the peace keepers.

she was taken to a small, yet nicely decorated room. she knew from her talks in the capitol about some parts of how the games were run that tributes would have a few minutes to speak to family and friends before they were taken to the capitol.

though she knew she probably wouldn't speak to anyone except maybe a peacekeeper named Nickola with whom she had grown somewhat close with in her times in district 12.

she decided to sit and wait by the window instead of waiting for someone to come for her, because she expected nothing of the sort.

to her surprise, the door cracked open.
it was the girl, katniss who she had fed and taken a beating for.

"aurelia?" katniss peeked in the door and asked.

"yes, katniss, right?" she asked.

"yes i am katniss. i didn't realize that you were a snow.. i would ask why you are even here but i know time is limited. i just wanted to say that i think you're so brave for what you did up on stage today. even though maybe you have some capitol invincibility." katniss  began to chuckle.

"anyways, i really wanted to thank you for what you did for me and my family. we were on the brink of starvation, and i know you probably got in a lot of trouble for what you did for us." katniss finished.
aurelia just looked up and smiled at her.

"i didn't expect to have anyone come see me, so thank you. i'll make it short but i was sent to the districts because i don't agree with the capitol on how they treat 1-12. i don't know how or why i was reaped, but i'm glad it's me. maybe it will ignite a change." aurelia choked up a bit. she dug in her dress and grabbed out a key and placed it in the palm of her hand.

aurelia stretched her hand out, "please, take this. it's to my home. it's over in the victor village. it's the blue home. i have a decent amount of food in there. hopefully it helps. i'll even write you a note so you can speak to Nickola. he is a peacekeeper and will probably help you go in without you getting in trouble." aurelia began to scribble on some paper in the room.

katniss accepted the key and gave aurelia the genuine, humane and warm embrace she had been longing for her entire life. something she could not find in the capitol.

katniss handed aurelia a pin of some sort of bird. "please take this, to remind you of 12." as katniss was queued to exit the room by the peacekeeper, aurelia held onto the pin tightly and smiled at katniss. her new friend.

end of part 2

Intertwined ( A Peeta Mellark Hunger Games Story) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن