Taking What's Mine

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"Hello princess... did you miss me?"

"Cass... how... how are you here? I-I thought you were dead..."

"Looks like I'm not, and no thanks to you!"

"Cass, look... when you fell all I could think was I had to save you... and when I didn't, I really thought you had... well... died. If I had known-"

"Save it! You didn't know, no one could have, but that's why you should have looked for me!"

"But Cass, Adira said she checked. SHE said you were dead! I-I just thought that she was right."

"Ah yes because Adira is soooo trustworthy."

"Stop it! You're just mad I listened to her over you once!"

"WHAT?! You think I'm mad just because of that?! There's a lot you don't know Princess, but I can fill in the details later. First I need to do something."

As Cassandra spoke, her hand began to reach for the Moonstone. The closer she got, the brighter it glowed.

"Cass what are you doing?!"

She stopped to look over to Rapunzel.

"Something I should've done long ago!"

"Don't! You don't know what it will do to you! Listen to me Cass, I came here for the Moonstone, but only to fulfill my destiny. It won't hurt me, I'm the Sundrop. By taking it, I'm protecting you and the rest of the world."

"To fulfill your destiny? WHAT ABOUT MINE?! Why is it always what you want and never what I want?!"

"Cass, If don't know what you want to do with it, but there are better ways of dealing with your feelings."

"Of course you'd say that! And don't you dare say this is to protect me! You're not trying to protect me, you only want me to stop so you can have the Moonstone for yourself!"

"No, it's not like that Cass! That thing could seriously hurt you!"

"At least it won't hurt as much as you abandoning me."

With that final reply, she lunged at the stone. Rapunzel followed right behind her, reaching for it, with no success. Cassandra clutched the stone in her palm as a burst of blue energy filled the room, whirling around her. Its strength knocked Rapunzel to her feet and she could only watch in horror as the stone's magic transformed Cassandra. Her armour turned black, growing black spikes around it. Dark blue accents emerged across the suit, following the black rocks. Her eyes flashed a vibrant blue, followed by her hair changing into the same shade. Gloves made of the rocks formed around her hands, protecting her charred arm. Lastly, the empty space over her heart was replaced with the Moonstone, completing her transformation.

"Looks like that didn't hurt one bit."


Cassandra stared down Rapunzel with a condescending glare. "Simply taken what's rightfully mine... fulfilled my destiny, you could say, just like you were going to."

"Cass, why are you acting this way? I don't know what you've been through, but I've missed you. Please put back the stone, come with me and I'll listen to you. We can talk, just like we used to. Please..."

"It's too late for that. I simply made my choice, just like you made yours back at the tree."

"Rapunzel!" Eugene came running through the chamber's doors, with Lance not too far behind. "RAPUNZEL! Cassandra is alive! She's here and she wants the moonstone!"

"Already have it right here Fitzherbert."

"Ohh, hello Cassandra," his voice was tense and nervous. "When did you get here?"

"A few days ago, but I don't have time to sit and chit chat. Clear my way and no one will get harmed."

"Yea... um no can do. Give Rapunzel the stone now Cassandra, and you won't get hurt." He drew his sword.

"Oh, look at you Eugene, so brave!" She taunted him. "Rapunzel, isn't he just so brave to go up against me?"

With a flash, a series of rocks cascaded towards him, knocking him off balance.

"DON'T HURT HIM!" Rapunzel's eyes and hair began to glow, just as they did when she was ready to fight.

"Oh look at this. Rapunzel trying to defend her helpless boyfriend... how precious. But that's not going to work against me, Princess. Not when I have control of these." She hurled another attack, this time towards Rapunzel, who narrowly dodged it. She flung her hair over towards Cassandra, who responded with even more black rocks.

Rapunzel gathered herself, determined to protect Eugene and stop Cassandra from causing any more harm. Her hair shimmered as she launched it, intertwining it with the dark rocks Cassandra was hurling at her.

"Stop this, Cassandra! We don't have to fight!" Rapunzel pleaded, attempting to reason with her former friend amidst the chaos.

Cassandra sneered, her eyes glinting with the Moonstone's power. "We're far past that point, Rapunzel. You had your chance to let me walk out without harm, but now it won't be as easy!"

"Cass, please! This isn't the way! Let me help you!" Rapunzel cried out, trying to break through Cassandra's escalating rage.

"I'm done Rapunzel. We're done."

Before Rapunzel could even react, Cassandra bolted down the bridge, shoving Rapunzel out of the way with another black rock. When she reached the end, almost at the doors, a new foe appeared.

"Short hair... put the Moonstone back at once!" It was Adira. Her sword was at the ready.

"NO!" She launched a wave of rocks at Adira, sending her tumbling to the floor. It seemed that even Adira, a great warrior who had beaten Cassandra in the past, had not realized the capabilities of the Moonstone. Her sword flew out of her hands, landing right at Cassandra's feet.

"Look, big bad Adira has taken a tumble. I thought you could fight."

"You don't know what you're doing. Put. It. Back!" She groaned in pain.

"You can't convince me," Cassandra eyed her for a moment, eventually landing on her sword. "And I'll be taking this."

Cassandra reached down and seized Adira's sword, wielding the one thing that could destroy the black rocks. She placed it on her back and her armour reacted immediately by wrapping the material around the weapon. With that now in her possession, nothing could stop her. 

Cassandra's Betrayal Rewrittenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें