After the Fall

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Adira pulled Rapunzel out just in time, before chunks came crashing down, finally destroying the once great and powerful tree.

"BLONDIE?!" Eugene ran over to her, wrapping her up in his arms. "Wake up Blondie, come on!" He lightly tapped her face, then twirled her hair in his fingers, desperate to wake her up.

"Eugene?" She was awake. 

"Thank goodness you're ok, Blondie."

"I am now that I'm with you." She beamed at him, practically forgetting what had just happened.

When Rapunzel stood up, she turned to look at the rubble behind her, with a realization of what just happened hitting her.

"CASS!" She tried to run closer, but Adira stopped her.

"Princess, she's gone. I circled around while you were knocked out, and didn't find anything but this." She handed Rapunzel Cassandra's sword. 

"She really... she didn't survive?" Looking down at the last memory of her friend in her hands, Rapunzel couldn't help but tear up. Cassandra was like a sister to her, the first friend she made in Corona, and now she was just... dead.

"I'm afraid so. Take your time to heal, but you should  leave soon. I don't think you'd want to stay here tonight." Adira looked at Rapunzel, her hard shell seeming to slightly break. She bowed her head, and turned to her brother, who had awaken, but was in weak condition.

"Wherever your journey takes you, just know I will be waiting for you at the end, in the Dark Kingdom." With that, she picked up her brother and sped away, leaving a heavy feeling in the air.

No one could speak. Not even Eugene could take a jab at Cassandra while Rapunzel looked down into the ruins. She felt horrible, as if she caused her best friend's death. She knew she didn't purposefully, but the guilt overtook her. It was still her fault for not listening. If only she hadn't used the incantation, Cassandra would be alive and the two would be able to talk. Cassandra would've been there to help Rapunzel towards her destiny.

"We should go. I can't stay here. It hurts too much." She finally said. "Let's just leave." It would take a long time to be at peace with what just happened, but she knew she couldn't just mope around, hoping that there would be a miracle and somehow Cassandra had survived.

The group collected their remaining supplies, and left the site. Rapunzel knew they had to continue on, and she would do it for Cassandra. That's what she would have wanted.

(BTW, I know this chapter was a little shorter, but don't worry, there is more coming your way.)

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