Destroying the Moonstone?

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It was a long and sleepless night. Cassandra stayed up contemplating the possibilities that would come if she took the stone, but the new bonding with her father stood in her way. She actually liked the man, even with his quirks, and felt as though taking the stone would be betraying him.

"Ugh make your mind up already! If I take it, I'll get everything I have ever wanted, but I'll lose my dad." She was talking to herself. It was a habit she has picked up on her journey, seeing as her only companion had been Owl.

"And... if I don't take it, I'll never prove to Rapunzel that I am more than she thought I was. UGH, WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE SO HARD!"


"NO! STOP IT! I dont want your thoughts in my head Ghost Girl! I need to think for myself!"

"Fine, I'll go..... but I wanted to simply remind you of the great power you will hold if you take the stone. Think of it as taking what is rightfully yours. You won't hurt anyone but yourself if you choose to ignore your destiny."

"Great, more of your reminders. I get it! Take the stone... power.....blah blah blah! I've heard your warnings a thousand times, I dont need it to be thousand and one! Now, get lost!"

The girl disappeared, but her messaged continued to linger in Cassandra's brain. If she took it, she'd get all she ever wanted.

'I need some air.' She thought to herself.

Cassandra removed her blankets and stood up from her new bed. She walked toward a window and attempted to pry it open, with no luck. There was a balcony in just the other room, so she decided to sneak over to it, not wanting to wake Edmund. As she made her way through the hall, she noticed her father's door was cracked open, and there was still the glow of candles coming through. She stopped and decided to stand for a moment, curious as to what he was doing at that time of the night.

Cassandra peeked inside the room to find her father, King Edmund, pouring over an ancient book, muttering incantations under his breath. The words were unfamiliar, cryptic, and his expression was intense, almost desperate. She couldn't understand everything he was saying, but she heard the mention of the Moonstone and a powerful spell.

Was Edmund trying to harness the powers for himself? Possibilities of what he was doing danced through her head. Had he been lying to her the entire time?

As she stood there, contemplating, her father muttered the final words of the incantation. Suddenly, a powerful surge of magic erupted from the book, illuminating the room with a blinding light. The spell's impact was colossal, shaking the very foundation of the castle.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Cassandra bursted into his room.

"Cassandra, it's nothing to be-"


"No! Why would you-"


"No it's not like that! Cassandra-"

But Cassandra misinterpreted his actions, her past feelings of abandonment and longing for recognition clouding her judgment. She felt betrayed, thinking that her father was planning something with the Moonstone, even after he claimed he wanted to destroy it.

"YES, IT IS! You only tried to lead me away so you could take it for yourself! Isn't that right?!"

"NO! That spell was a practice for when we actually destroy it once and for all! Listen Cassandra, I would never try to use that stone! It's too dangerous!"

"YEA, SURE! That spell was for you to take the Moonstone! And after that, you would've abandoned me just like you did all those years ago!"

With her trust shattered, Cassandra clenched her fists, anger and hurt surging through her. She believed her father was against her, and her decision was made. Her perception of her father's intentions shattered any remaining trust between them.

"Please, it's not what you think! If you just sat down, I could explain it all to you and we could clear this misunderstanding. I could help you!"

"I don't wanna talk! Everyone in my life has said they wanted to help me, but they all turn out the same! They trick me into being there for them, but when the time comes, they all leave. You, Mother Gothel, Rapunzel! ALL OF YOU! When is is going to be my turn to choose what I want to do for myself? Everything I do is for others, and never me! I'm the one stuck waiting and waiting, but that day never comes. Instead, I end up with people who lie to me and turn their backs once they get what they want! Do you know how that feels?!"

Edmund was silent.

"Looks like you don't! I am going, and I never want to see you EVER AGAIN!"

With a heavy heart and tears welling in her eyes, Cassandra left the room, knowing what she needed to do. She glanced once more at her father's door, filled with a mix of sadness and resentment.

Finally, she decided to stay for one more night. She couldn't leave at this hour, so she planned to leave the next day. As she packed her little belongings, she glanced out the window. Not so far away from the black rocks' canyon, she spotted Rapunzel's caravan. Seeing it, she knew she had to stay, but only for enough time to confront Rapunzel.

"I guess there's no turning back now. Whatever I do, I am facing it alone."

Cassandra's Betrayal RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now