Rocks Point this Way

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Black rocks were appearing more frequently, growing taller and spikier the further Cassandra travelled. Stepping on a flat one would cause another just ahead to lay down, just as they did for Rapunzel. On the entire journey, they had only ever interacted with Rapunzel, following her movements, but somehow, they listened to Cassandra.

"This is so strange. Owl, look. Wherever I move, the rocks move too! Do you think this might be related to what happened when Varian attacked me?"


"Right. I forgot I'm talking to an owl. Do you think you can fly up ahead and see if we're anywhere near the Dark Kingdom? It feels like I've been walking for days."

As Owl flew up, Cassandra stopped and sat against a smooth black rock. Her gaze wandered the forest path, torn up by the spiked rocks. Something about them intrigued her, comforted her. Even with the pain and destruction that came with them, they were still beautiful.

                                                                                              * * * 

It was starting to get dark, and Owl still hadn't returned.

"Owl!" Cassandra called out. "Where are you!?"

She had been waiting by the rocks for a while now, admiring all the ones surrounding her. She hadn't even realized how long Owl had been gone.

"OWL! Come on, come back!" She got up from her resting spot and started walking along the path once more.

"It's not funny Owl! Get back here!" Her walking pace turned into a sprint, with the rocks following her lead, popping down flat exceedingly fast. She raced down the forest trail, desperately calling out for her precious pet, and only companion.

"Please Owl!"

Suddenly, the trees became sparser and the path grew wider, eventually clearing into a wide field, covered in the black rocks. Far out across the field was a cliff side, with rocks growing up from the bottom side. They were taller and sharper than any Cassandra had ever seen before. The place was consumed by the rocks, much more than all of Corona.

"I must be near the kingdom, but where is Owl?"

"Hoot." From far came the small voice of Owl.

"Owl! Come to me!"

Cassandra could just barely spot Owl, flying towards her.

"HOOT! HOOT!" He seemed scared, like he was flying away from something.


As Owl drew closer, a figure appeared in the distance. They seemed to be following the bird. Cassandra ran towards her beloved pet, but sensed something was wrong as she looked into into its eyes. The poor bird looked terrified, and kept hooting with urgency.


The figure that had been following Owl came into closer view. Now Cassandra fully understood why Owl was panicking. The figure had the head of a bear, but body of a man, and was brandishing an axe, all while chasing Owl.

"Come on little guy, get over here!" She reached out her arms to Owl, and he crashed into her arms. She turned the other way around and began racing away from the bear-man. She freed Owl from her arms and let him continue flying ahead of her.


No matter how far she ran, the bear-man continued chasing her. It seemed determined to catch up to her, swinging its axe back and forth.

"Get away from me asshole!"

But the bear-man didn't stop, simply speeding up, reaching closer and closer to her.

"HOOT!" Owl looked to Cassandra, stopping for a few moments.

"Go Owl! And don't stop until you're out of this terrible place!"

He kept flying onward, until he disappeared into the sky.

"I have nothing you could want! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

It didn't listen, coming just a few steps behind her. She turned her head, noticing their close distance. Realizing there was no way to outrun the beast, she turned to face it, causing it to stop in its tracks.

"I don't understand why you keep chasing me? What do you want?!"

"For you to get away from this place! You are not supposed to be here!"

"But I must go! The Dark Kingdom is not too far, and I'm looking for something in it! I NEED TO GET THERE!"

"I will not allow you to go any further! I have sworn to protect this kingdom and whatever lies within it, and I won't let one stupid girl ruin that!"

"Don't you dare call me that! You will let me through and won't bother me anymore!"

"Well if you're going to be so stubborn about it..." the beast aimed its axe at Cassandra, ready to strike her. She took a step forward, wanting to go for her sword, but didn't, remembering she didn't have it anymore.

"Go on, try to fight me without anything to defend yourself."

"I may not have a weapon, but I can still fight you!" She readied her fists, and stood there with nothing but determination in her eyes.

The bear-man lunged at her, but she dodged the attack. Her hand grazed against a rock, and it began to glow a subtle blue. A few others near it followed, moving inwards, pointed at Cassandra's enemy.

"How did you-" he lowered his weapon for a split-second, just enough for Cassandra to run up and punch him. He continued to stand there, in awe of the rocks behaviour. She turned, following his movement to figure out what he was so distracted by.

"Oh my god! I did it again!"

"What do you mean again?!"

Cassandra looked back at the bear-man, shocked at his sudden softening.

"Wait, look at me. I think I know you from somewhere." He gazed at Cassandra.

"Yea, okay. I have no clue what you're talking about." she stood, still in a fighting stance. "Are you trying to distract me now?"

"No, there's just something about you. Do you recognize me? At all?"

"Yea, no. It's a little hard with the mask."

"Right." He started fidgeting with the mask, and finally revealed an older man with a beard and a hardened face.

"I think I remember why you look so familiar now. Cassandra, is it? I'm Edmund."

Cassandra's eyes widened at the mention of her name.

"You-you're father."

"Yes Cassandra. I'm so sorry."

Cassandra's Betrayal RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now