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The club was great I really enjoy the teams company but something was off. I had hoped Alexia would just appear considering the rest of the team just magically arrived half way through the night.

"hey" I heard a soft voice say

I looked next to me to see a beautiful blonde girl staring at me with a big smile on her face


"what's a pretty girl like you doing here alone" It's ironic she would say that. I think that's people's go to line to start a conversation

"oh I'm just waiting for my drinks for me and my friends"

"oh so you came here with people" the once happy bright mood of the girl had now dulled down

"yeh we all thought it would be nice to go out together" I said unaware of the mood chance

"so there's no chance I could buy you a drink?" she said with hope in her eyes

In reality I wish it had been Alexia to ask this. It's strange really i've known her about a month met her twice but still she's captivated me somehow.

"hello you there?"

I break out of my trance when I see a hand wave of my face

"erm sure I guess"

I mean one drink couldn't hurt right?


I walked into the club and walked around searching for her so far I had found Mapi and Ingrid making out in one of the corners and Ona and Aitana dancing on a table but still not the girl I came here to find

until I did find her but not how I wanted to.

There she was looking as beautiful as ever.

but there she was dancing with a blonde girl.

While I admired from afar.

The pit in my stomach only grow when I saw them get closer till finally there lips touched and the next thing I know the girl is leading her into the bathroom.

"hey Alexia what are yo-" Keria stopped when she saw what I was looking at


"I shouldn't of come here" I quickly walk out the club trying to get away from here as soon as possible hearing Keria shout my name but not daring to look back. I mean who was I kidding I'd aired the girl and I don't know what made me think to ever come here it's not like we could ever be anything. I'd doubt she'd want anything.

Daisybronze gonna need 5-6 days to recover537,5k likes || 269,3 comments

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Daisybronze gonna need 5-6
days to recover
537,5k likes || 269,3 comments

lucybronze miss responsible over here

Mapileon miss you already party girl

user11 what's your number?

Onabatlle beautiful

Ellatoone when I see you we're going clubbing!

Claudiapina we see a different you that night

The next day

Sitting on the sofa I stare at her instagram post part of me wants to like it but the other part can't pull my mind away from that kiss and I don't even want to think about what they done in the bathroom.

i'd never thought i'd be so worked up over a girl I barely know but god did she control my mind. Whenever I walk Nala I think of when we went together the first day we met. I thought it would be awkward but it was easy she understood me and didn't try to force me to say anything.

"you know if you stare at her photo doesn't mean she's going to pop out of it and kiss you" I jumped almost dropping my phone when I turn round looking at Keria with a smirk on her face.

"I don't know what your talking about" turning my phone of and placing it on the side table.

"are you sure" she's very persistent that girl.

"i'm sure! anyways how did you get into my apartment"

"a key"

"yes keria but what key. No one has a key to my apartment but me and my mama"

"well you're not very smart I just drove here and took my chances that your spare door key would be put under your mat and hey look it was" she smirks holding up the key

I snatch it off her and walk to the kitchen playing the key in a cabinet

"Maybe I need to find a better place for that"

"relax Alexia I only came here to check on you because you seemed upset last night"

by now we had both made it into the kitchen. me standing behind the counter and Keira sat on the stool looking straight at me with worry written all over her face.

"I'm find why wouldn't I be"

"Don't play dumb with me Alexia, I know you and I know when your not ok"

"it's Daisy Isn't it"

I can't fight it anymore I let out a sigh

"I don't know what to do keria. I mean i've known the girl a month and lucy said we can't be together plus I don't know how she feels about me or wether she see's just a friend and what about that girl from last night god knows what they did"

"wait what did lucy say" she stopped me

"really I say all that and the only thing you concentrate on is when your girlfriend is mentioned" I scoff at her

"no that's not it what did lucy say about you and daisy"

"she said we can't be together and i'd hurt her and she didn't need anymore of"

"but you said you changed your ways your not the player you once were" It's true yes I used to sleep around and I cheated once but it was a mistake and I've changed I truly have I could never see myself hurting her anyway she's too pure

"I promise you I have keria"

"Alexia tell me this truthful"

The pit in my stomach from last night returned again after seeing Kerias serious face.

"Do you want Dasiy"

hey guys!
I know posting has been very slow I've had no time to post but i'm looking to post another chapter tonight if not definitely tomorrow
don't forget to vote!

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