Lies In The Library

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Everyone had just finished reading. They were now just staring at the letters, trying to figure out what they mean. As everyone was looking, Dahlia suddenly made an assumption, "Hmm, so let's start from the top. The first letter doesn't really mean anything so let's move to the second. So maybe only us 6 were supposed to be here, just us. Maybe the person behind all of this was mad when we bought Damon here." Dahlia was about to continue before being interrupted by MJ, "Hello, right here." After this, Dahlia continued, "So then he kidnapped him. Then there's the 3rd letter." Dahlia was trying to figure this out then Aurelia suddenly did, "Maybe it means it all starts when there's only 1 of us." Everyone was thinking about it. Then Storm replied, "Hmm that's actually a really good assumption but I don't think it's that. Well, it's almost 1 so maybe they mean it starts at 1:00." Everyone was just sitting then Nicholas pulled out his phone to check the time. He then said, "Guys, it's 1:00. I guess it all starts now." Everyone's eyes were darting around the room as it hit 1. Then Dahlia talked, "Ok so guys, let's all search again and report back here before 2:00. Me and Stormsie will go upstairs, MJ and Aurelia will also search upstairs but on the other side and then Nicholas and Charlotte will search downstairs. Ok, remember be back here before 2:00." As Dahlia finished explaining the plan, everyone went to their assigned place to start searching. It was now 1:03.
Dahlia and Storm went upstairs as did MJ and Aurelia. Nicholas and Charlotte went into the dining room, not knowing about the loose floorboard. They entered into the dining room, and as they were searching, Nicholas walked over the loose floorboard then fell, but not fully. Charlotte heard and went over to go and catch him, but then was taken aback when Nicholas didn't fall fully through the floor. Nicholas then spoke, "Umm, well, I don't know what just happened but, I think there's a secret room here, c'mon, help me remove more of the floorboards." Charlotte bent down as Nicholas and her began to tear off more floorboards. They tear about 6 of them off, then Charlotte jumps down. Nicholas catches her, then puts her down. Nicholas looks around to see what to do next then he sees a staircase, going down. Nicholas asks, "Hey, wanna go down these stairs?" Charlotte eyes the stairs then replies, "Yeah, sure." They start to walk down the stairs. Nicholas starts huffing and puffing, then says, "Ugh, will these stairs ever end?" Charlotte starts huffing and puffing aswell, then responds, "Maybe if we imagine being at the bottom, we'll get there." As they start to imagine being at the bottom of the stairs, they then reach the bottom, but as they reach the bottom, they come across a door, with the word 'LIBRARY' on it. Nicholas then asks, "Hmm, wanna go in? We might find more letters." Charlotte then nods as they walk in. The first thing they see when they walk into the library is about 3 circular tables with chairs. Then they walk more into the library and see 3 sofas, all next to each other, and each one has a table. They then see a load of bookcases, all against the wall. As Nicholas is looking around the library, he then asks, "So, should we start searching for letters?" Charlotte then replies, "Alright, I'll search down here and you search up there, near the bookcases." As Charlotte says this, her and Nicholas start to search the library. Nicholas, being Nicholas, starts pulling out books, thinking they lead to a secret passageway. Charlotte then looks at him then says, "Look, it won't work, this is just a normal library-", but then she's interrupted when Nicholas pulls out Alice in Wonderland and the bookcase moves out of the way, revealing a very small room. "I'm sorry, what was you saying?" Then Charlotte replies, "Oh stop it, babe. Should we go in?" Then as soon as she says this Nicholas runs straight into the room, and Charlotte follows him in. Charlotte looks around the room, then spots 2 letters on the floor. She picks them up, then taps Nicholas to ask him, "Should we go back to the others?" Nicholas nods as they walk out of the library and back up the stairs. They then walk out of the dining room, then into the living room to sit down.
1:17. Dahlia and Storm are looking upstairs, again. As they walk into the room, Storm asks, "So, umm, yet again, no one is around, do you wanna-" He's then stopped when Dahlia presses her finger to his lips, again. She then says "Look, I said after all of this is over, not now." She then starts to search around the room as Storm starts sulking. As Dahlia searches, she slips over a wet patch, but then Storm catches her. After Dahlia was caught, she looks under the bed then pulls out 2 more letters. After this, Dahlia and Storm go back downstairs into the living room, but are shocked to see Nicholas and Charlotte already there. Without saying anything, they sit down, waiting for MJ and Aurelia.
1:31. MJ and Aurelia walk into a random room, then they start searching. MJ starts crying, then Aurelia goes over to him. She then squeezes him into a big hug, then asks him, "Hey, babe, what's wrong?" MJ sniffles and then sobs, "I just want to get Damon and go back home. I miss him so much and he's so young." Aurelia hugs him more then whispers in his ear, "Look babe, we'll find him, and after all of this, you can get a little reward." As she says this, she gives him a little kiss on his cheek, but then she's interrupted. The wall behind her collapses into a million pieces, and then falls back. She gets up, then looks inside the hole where the wall collapsed, and sees 2 letters against the wall. Aurelia then speaks, "C'mon babe, let's go back to the others." MJ and Aurelia get up, go back downstairs into the living room, then spot Dahlia and Storm, and Nicholas and Charlotte. As they walk in to sit down, suddenly Nicholas speaks, "So guys, what have we found?" As he says this, everyone puts the letters on the table. Everyone starts to put them in order, according to the number they have in the corner. Then it was time to read them, in order.
First, MJ:
"Congratulations, my Smart Six."
Next, Aurelia:
"You've survived the first hour."
After, Dahlia:
"But it's not over yet."
Next, Storm:
"I've still got the boy."
Then, Nicholas:
"You're looking in the wrong places."
Finally, Charlotte:
"And if you call the police, the boy dies."

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