Dining Room

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12:45. Nicholas wakes up, but something isn't right. As he gets up, he wakes up Charlotte, before going over to wake up MJ and Aurelia.
Charlotte gets up and rubs her eyes, before asking Nicholas, trying to get MJ and Aurelia up, "Hey babe, what time is it?"
Nicholas pulls out his phone then replies, "Hold on, let me che-, wait, where's Damon? MJ, wake up now!" He starts shaking MJ, who gets up, looking groggily, then Aurelia wakes up.
MJ, clearly in a bad mood, stands up to say, "What are you doing? I'm trying to sleep!" Aurelia stands up to them comment, "Yeah, me too!"
Nicholas then replies, "Look, Damon is missing, we need to go and find him, go wake up Dahlia and Storm." MJ, clearly filled with worry, ran over to Dahlia and Storm, he starts shaking them whilst shouting, "Dahlia, Storm, wake up, NOW!" They immediately got up, rubbing their eyes. They Dahlia asked, "Ugh MJ, what is it?" Storm then started looking around the room, trying to get his eyesight working as he just woke up. MJ then screamed at the top of his lungs, "DAMON IS MISSING!" Dahlia and Storm were clearly taken aback by this, even though they hated MJ. Dahlia and Storm stood up, then Nicholas and Charlotte walked towards them. Nicholas then insisted, "Look MJ, Damon is still probably in the house, let's split up, you and Aurelia, me and Char, and Dahlia and Storm. We'll all look around the house then report back here at 12:55. Don't worry MJ, he can't have gotten that far, we'll find him." As Nicholas said this, everyone began to leave the living room to look around. 12:49. Dahlia and Storm went upstairs, to look in one of the bedrooms.
Dahlia and Storm walk into the bedroom, and they sit down. Storm starts caressing Dahlia's arm, whilst saying, "So, no one is here. Wanna-", but then he's interrupted by Dahlia pressing her finger to his lips. "Look, I know we're alone but Damon is literally missing. I know we both hate MJ but I feel bad for him, he woke up to his brother missing. The least we can do is try and find him. And when we find him, you can get a little reward, if you know what I mean." She gives Storm a little wink, then they both stand up and proceed looking around the room. Storm then spots a picture, but not just that. He then asks, "Hey, what's that behind the picture of the old ass man?" Dahlia walks toward the picture, then pulls out 2 pieces of paper. "Babe, let's report back to the living room." Dahlia and Storm go back to the living room.
12:52. MJ and Aurelia were searching downstairs, in the dining room. Aurelia was searching around the room and MJ was pacing up and down, anxious as ever. "Aur, what if we don't find him? He's only 13." Aurelia stopped searching once she heard this, then walked over to MJ as they both sat down. Aurelia then began to pull him into the biggest hug, then replying, "Look MJ, we WILL find him. And at the end of all of this, we can, well, you know." She gave MJ a little wink then she gave him a kiss on the forehead, reassuring him. They both stand up and almost begin to search some more before they're stopped by a loose floorboard. They then bend down, looking at the floorboard. Aurelia asks, "Hey babe, has this floorboard always been loose?" MJ looks at the floorboard, then begins to pull it away. The floorboard breaks off, revealing 2 letters. MJ and Aurelia decide to report back to the living room. 12:54. Nicholas and Charlotte have searched a bit of upstairs, and they're now going to look in the kitchen. Nicholas and Charlotte start looking through the drawers, hoping for a clue to where Damon is. Nicholas checks the fridge, but it starts to shake, and Nicholas catches it before it toppled over. But then 2 pieces of paper fall off the top of the fridge, revealing 2 more pieces of paper. Nicholas then asks, "Char, what do you think these pieces of paper are?" Charlotte heard this from the other side of the kitchen, before beginning to walk towards Nicholas. "Hmm, I don't know, but anyways, it's almost 12:55, let's just go to the living room." Nicholas and Charlotte begin to walk into the living room, then begin to see Dahlia and Storm, then MJ and Aurelia. Nicholas and Charlotte sit down, then Nicholas asks, "Ok guys what have we found?" As he asks this everyone puts a letter on the table. Dahlia looks at all the letters on the table then tries to piece them together in order. As she's doing this, Nicholas then asks, "Umm, what are you doing bro?" Dahlia finishes putting them in an order and then replies, "Well, since no one noticed, there are really tiny numbers in the corner of each letter. That means we have to put them in order from 1-6. Now, let's all read them out in order." Everyone huddled around Dahlia and Storm to read the letters in order. First Nicholas read:
"You just made the biggest mistake, my Sly Six."
Then, Charlotte:
"I only asked for 6, you made it 7."
Soon after, MJ:
"It starts at 1."
Next, Aurelia:
"And now I've got the boy."
Suddenly, Dahlia:
"You're looking in the wrong places."
Finally, Storm:
"You're running out of time."

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