Echoes of Exile

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As they ventured further in a comforting silence, Alexander halted in his steps and turned to face Lysandra. He took a deep breath and asked, "Why did your people forsake you?"

Lysandra, taken aback by the question, gave a sad smile and answered, "I, too, had dreams of seeing light. But anytime I voiced it out, I was always asked to keep shut." She took a deep breath, her voice trembling, "Then on the day you found me, I had spoken to my people-the shadows in the abyss. I tried to make them understand that we could try to find light instead of being enclosed in darkness. They threw me out of the shadows. You may be wondering why I'm not a shadowy figure. The thing is, once you leave the shadows, you take the form of a human but a human with supernatural powers."

Alexander, Elysian, and Arion felt a profound sorrow for Lysandra. The weight of her exile from the shadows, her pursuit of light, and the supernatural transformation hung in the cosmic air.

Elysian, breaking the silence, spoke with empathy, "Lysandra, your quest for light resonates with our own. We may not fully understand the shadows of your past, but know that you have found acceptance among us."

Arion added, "The abyss may be a realm of shadows, but it is also a place where destinies intertwine. Together, we will forge a path that transcends the darkness and seeks the light."

Lysandra, touched by their words, nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Elysian, Arion. Your acceptance means more than you know."

As they resumed their journey through the shifting abyss, the quartet found solace in the shared understanding that each member carried a burden of their own. The cosmic currents whispered tales of resilience, unity, and the echoes of their intertwined destinies.

In the quiet moments that followed, Alexander, Lysandra, Elysian, and Arion continued their celestial odyssey, navigating the shadows and echoes of their pasts with hearts open to the mysteries yet to unfold in the ever-changing expanse of the abyss.

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