Chapter 61

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Juliana pov

"I choose you Umbreon"

Then her Umbreon appeared.

"Alright Dachsbun, let's go"


"Umbreon, use swift"

It blasted it's swift attack towards Dachsbun.

"Dachsbun, protect"

She made a protected shield and the swift couldn't get through.

"Dachsbun, disarming voice"

She blasted her attack.

"Umbreon dodge it"

It jumped out of the way and was in the air.

"Now, use bite"

To my surprise, it was really fast and it bit Dachsbun hard.

"Dachsbun, are you okay?"

"Ruff" Dachsbun nodded.

"Now, shadow ball"

It blasted a big shadow ball and it was flying towards Dachsbun.

"Dachsbun, use dazzling gleam"

She blasted her attack and the shadow ball was cancelled out and the attack managed to hit Umbreon.

"Way a go Dachsbun" I cheered.


"Umbreon, dark pulse"

It blasted it's dark pulse attack.

"Dachsbun, dodge it"

She got out of the way.

"Now, tackle attack"

She dashed towards Umbreon and tackled it right on it's side.

"Umbreon, body slam"

It jumped onto Dachsbun and slammed it's body on top of her.

"Dachsbun, dazzling gleam"

Her attack caused Umbreon to get tossed into the air and caused it to yelp as well since dark types are weak against fairy types.

"Now, disarming voice"

She blasted her disarming voice and Umbreon was down.

"Umbreon is unable to battle, Dachsbun wins" Clive announced.

"Great job Dachsbun" I grinned.

"Ruff" Dachsbun squealed in happiness.

"Umbreon, return"

After it went back into it's pokeball, she took out another one.

"Flareon, let's go"

"Dachsbun, return"

After she went back into her pokeball, I took out Quaquaval's pokeball.

"Quaquaval, you're up next"


"Flareon, fire fang"

It's teeth started to fire up and it launched itself towards Quaquaval.

"Quaquaval, water gun"

He blasted his water gun attack and it caused the Flareon to be pushed back and took some damage as well.

"Now, hydro pump"

He blasted his hydro pump attack.

"Flareon, dodge it by using dig"

It dug itself into the ground and that took us by surprise. Where is Flareon gonna come out from?"

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