Chapter 32

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Juliana pov

When I got to the battle court, to my surprise I didn't see the gym leader anywhere.

"Hey, where's the gym leader?" I wondered in confusion.

"Greetings challenger"


To my shock, I saw a man standing on top of the windmill and seeing him jump off it made my eyes widen and even more after he made a perfect landing.

"Whoa" I gasped.

"You did well to come this far" the man comment.

"Oh uh...thanks"

"I am Brassius, an artist specializing in grass type pokemon, I am also the gym leader here at the Artazon gym"

I was surprised, so he's the gym leader, wow.

"That landing you did sure was amazing" I couldn't help but comment in amazement.

"Why thank you young lady, I was observing your gym test from atop the windmill"

I was more surprised then ever.

"You were?"

"Of course, the perception you displayed in finding Sunflora was truly...oh how should I describe it?" Brassius put his right hand on his chin with a thinking expression.

I felt my hands sweat a little because I was nervous to hear what he he to say.

"It was truly avant garde" Brassius exclaimed with a big smile.

I felt relived when he said that.

"Well, I can't take all the credit because my Eevee helped out"

"But of course, I only pray that you might demonstrate that eye for beauty in our battle as well, but enough talk we must begin creating out collaborative work of art"

"I'm ready" I grinned.

"Then let's take our places shall we"

"Yes sir"

After we got in our spots, I called out Crocalor and Brassius called out his Petilil.

"Crocalor, you ready?"

"Croc" Crocalor nodded.

"Petilil, use sunny day"

It blasted it's power up to the sky and it made the sun shine brighter.

"Now use solar beam"

Uh oh, now I see why he didn't attack the first time.

"Crocalor, be careful"


Then Petilil blasted it's solar beam.

"Crocalor, use flamethrower"

Crocalor's flamethrower and Petilil's solar beam hit each other and we're pushing each other.

"C'mon Crocalor, keep it up"

Petilil's solar beam was cancelled and so was Crocalor's flamethrower.

"Petilil, energy ball"

It then made a ball and blasted it towards Crocalor.

"Crocalor, dig"

He dug underground and Petilil was surprised.

When Crocalor came out, he tackled Petilil and it took Brassius by surprise.

"Petilil, leaf storm"

It began to make a leaf storm.

"Crocalor, blow your flames on the leafs while spinning around"

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