Monet | Chaotic Genius

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Requested by - George290508

A small warning, I don't know much about the Punk Hazard Arc so I'm just going with what little I know. There may be some things that aren't correct so please forgive me for that.


Punk Hazard, a place where artificial devil fruits were made illegally under the supervision of Caesar the Clown was a horrible place. Children were forced to work and experimented on by Caesar and it didn't help that no one was there to help them. Well... Someone was, and that someone was going to change the whole game soon. (Y/N) was currently in his lab working on a weapon while his girlfriend, Monet was watching him.

(Y/N): Alright. That should do it.

Monet: What are you even working on?

(Y/N): It's a weapon. A weapon that can delete anyone or anything in one shot!

Monet: That sounds dangerous. I love it!

(Y/N): Hmm... Now I'm gonna need an assistant.

He used a Den-Den Mushi to call one of his colleagues.

(Y/N): Vergo! Get your ass over here. I need you for something.

Vergo: Ugh... Can't you just use your girlfriend?

(Y/N): No... Maybe later, but right now, I need you here.

Vergo: Fine...

He cut the call and turned around to see a blushing Monet.

(Y/N): What?

Monet: (Giggles) Nothing...

(Y/N): You're blushing because of the call, right?

Monet: I'd love to be "used" by you.

(Y/N): Damn woman... I didn't even mean it like that.

They flirted with each other until Vergo arrived. Monet quickly hopped off his lap and stood in the corner.

(Y/N): Great. Here, hold this.

He handed Vergo a tin can.

Vergo: What the... What is this?!

(Y/N): Put that on your head.

Vergo: Seriously?!

(Y/N): Just do it. Ask questions later. (Under his breath) If you survive.

He reluctantly put the can on his head. (Y/N) then took out his newly created weapon and aimed it at him.

Vergo: Woah woah woah wai-

Before he could finish, (Y/N) fired and the tin can was erased from existence.

Monet: Bravo! Well done (Y/N)! Another successful test.

Vergo: What the hell is wrong with you?! I could've died! Are you crazy?

(Y/N): Yet here we are. You're still alive.

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