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That night, the moon smiled brightly, its stark brilliance outshone the very stars themselves

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That night, the moon smiled brightly, its stark brilliance outshone the very stars themselves. Its gentle and soft glow cascaded on the world beneath, spreading its eternal beauty.
However, he wondered if he was the sole witness of the moon's waning smile when she stepped out draped in a white dress, looking ethereal. That night she did what a million stars couldn't, she had outshone the moon.

She looked like a fallen angel, maybe she was one he thought, as his eyes met her bright ones, which held a million constellations in them.

His breath hitched when she stood next to him, overlooking the star-kissed ocean. Her lips tugged into a smile, unknowingly. He could hear his heart thumping against his chest, and his eyes rested on her as a smile made its way to his face, how did he find her in the darkness of the world? he pondered over his thoughts.

The calming sound of the ocean waves crashing filled the air, it brought a sense of serenity and calmness to the pair. Tonight, he had to confess his feelings to her, he had to confess he fell for her, he fell too deep, to get back up which he certainly didn't want to.

He saw her turn her head to look at him, maybe she felt his stare on her or she could hear his heart beating for her. "The view, it looks enchanting." he heard her say, he agreed with her, without sparing a glance at the moon, as he was looking at his.  "The moon might take up the spotlight, but without the millions of stars shining behind it, this spectacular view would be impossible" she stated now looking into his admiring eyes, she always thought too deeply. He fell for a philosopher. She turned her gaze towards the enchanting sky and the shimmering ocean.

When a brighter but gentle light fell on her from behind, she looked back to get starstruck by the view. He had lit up the beach with fairy lights, his eyes contently watching her smile growing bigger as she gasped at the sight, her eyes gleaming with happiness and fondness. 

His heart remembered the time he had helped her set up her room with fairy lights, she loved them. "They make me feel at home and cosy" he remembered her telling him. 

"Why do they have to make it so long?" she asked as she struggled untangling now, what was a knot of fairy lights. 
"They probably didn't know an idiot like you would pull it all out in one go" he snickered from behind, helping her untangle the rest part of the fairy light. 
"On my defence, I just wanted to look how long it was" she said, as her hands worked on the final knot.
"And look where it landed us, I certainly didn't sign up for this" he scowled at the wires on his hands.  
"Stop complaining and help me do it faster, will you?"  she said, irritated by his nagging. 

He let out a cheer of joy when they were done detangling the fairy lights. 
"Where do you want it?" he asked eyeing the room, to find the best place to hang those starry lights.
"There" he saw her pointing at her 'cosy' corner. 
That evening, they spent decorating her room.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a hand around him, "This looks beautiful" she whispered into the hug. His heart jumped in excitement, and his hands held onto her, protectively. 

His Selene - a short storyWhere stories live. Discover now