Emperor Alberu, too, grasped the severity of the situation, his normally cheerful demeanor replaced by a thoughtful frown.

Cale's voice cut through the heavy silence, addressing the pressing issue at hand.

"Hyung–nim, you know that Roan's strength lies not just in military might but in the network of trust and cooperation we've built with the surrounding kingdoms. Breck, Whipper, Jungle, Caro, Mogoru, and Paerun – they've all come to rely on us, not just as allies but as partners."

"If Roan is the only nation untouched, it won't be seen as a blessing. It'll be seen as suspicious."

"It won't take long for distrust and resentment to fester."

Emperor Alberu's brow furrowed as he considered the ramifications of this precarious situation.

The alliances Roan had were based on mutual trust and cooperation.

If Roan stood alone in prosperity, suspicion would cast a shadow over these relationships.

Alberu's fingers drummed lightly on the table, his mind working through the intricacies of diplomacy and the delicate balance.

"If the other kingdoms are struggling with the black mage issue, and Roan remains unscathed, they might perceive it as intentional isolation. A prosperity untouched by the problems they are grappling with."

"Exactly, Hyung-nim. The worst-case scenario is that they'll start harboring doubts. They might even think we sent these black mages to stir problems in their territories while we thrive in isolation."

Cale's gaze remained fixed on the emperor as he continued to articulate the potential ramifications of Roan's unique position.

"We need to establish communication, share intelligence, and work together against this common threat. If not, distrust and misunderstanding will breed, and the consequences could be dire."

Alberu nodded solemnly, recognizing the necessity of preemptive action.

The fate of the Western Continent hung in the balance, and the room echoed with the weight of their shared responsibility.

Alberu took a sip of his tea and shared information about Rosalyn's proactive measures.

"Tower Master Rosalyn has already initiated investigations with mages from the Tower of Magic. They are on their way to the affected kingdoms to gather more information. But we need something more, Cale."

Cale, considering the practical aspects, added his insights.

"I suggest we create a joint task force with representatives from each kingdom. A collaboration to share intelligence, and strategies, and work together to eradicate the black mages. This not only ensures transparency but also builds a stronger united front against the common threat."

"Although we had experience handling black mages in the past, especially thanks to Pope Jack and Hannah, these bastards are not normal black mages according to the reports."

"They are stray black mages. A group of crazy people without a leader, so they brazenly kidnapped and killed innocent citizens to obtain the dead mana."

Alberu, ever the pragmatic ruler, leaned forward, his gaze locked onto Cale.

The redhead young master also stared into the young Emperor's blue eyes without fear as he was the only person in the Empire who dared to do so,

"It's a delicate situation, Cale. We must tread carefully to avoid escalating tensions or triggering unnecessary conflicts."

"You don't need to worry, Your Majesty. The key is to show sincerity and a genuine desire for collaboration. We're not just protecting the Roan Empire; we're safeguarding the entire Western Continent."

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