Eleventh Chapter ~ The Heroine

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Darkness all around me .

I am in a literally messed up situation . I struggle to open my poor eyes . They are getting closed .

“ She will make us get a fat amount of money ”
I hear someone saying in his manly voice .

Sitting up I realise that it is a room where some muscular men are present . I am on the bed. I was laid by them only probably.

When Anubhav left my house I was actually breaking down and that's when they got the chance maybe to kidnap the whole me !

“ She's awake ”

One of them say to the others when he noticed me sitting up on the bed .

“ Hola ! Sweetheart ” He says.

They are all foreigners.  No one is maybe Indian .

“ Wh-where I am? ” I ask in my extremely cracked voice. 

The man who greeted me now look at others and then smiled with their yellow teeths .

“ Where are you is somewhere you will never find out ” The smirk .

I roll my eyes .

One man who is maybe the doctor sit in front of me .

“ Is your body paining ? ” He ask .

“ Answer it whore !! ” The same man shouted at me .

“ Who the hell are you to call me that bitch ! ” I yell back .

They are the same gang Anubhav described me about . They are the bullshits.  Well , if they are going to mess up with me just like others I am gonna surely show them who I am !

The man was going to say something else when the doctor showed him his hand to stop him.

The man stop on his way while the others are just watching us .

“ Now tell me where is it actually paining ? ” The doctor again ask .

I lick my lips . No matter how much I lick them it never get the moisture .
I look at my fidgeting fingers and then answer them .

“ On the stomach , my muscles are also paining ”

In the case my whole body is paining but I can't explain it to them .

“ Ok now I am going to inject you something then probably you will be fine by one hour ” The doctor say and take his suitcase .

“ What is the date ? ” I ask out of indifference .

“ It's 21st November ”

It's already three days after last time I saw Anubhav . By this time he must be searching for me .

“ Forward your arm ” The doctor say . I do as he say .

I have no strength left in me to fight with these fatass bullshits . But I can't also give up on it easily . I have not eaten anything in these three days or not have used the washroom . I am waking up now from the last day.

“ Lay down ”

I lay on the bed with hardness . I am not hungry or not I want to use the washroom . It's clear that from the first day itself they are injecting me variousness I don't even know about .

The men around me eventually disappear when slowly my eyes get closed . Few minutes later also I can't sleep . I am totally awaken . I can hear them talking but my eyes are closed .

The lights turn off and they go out closing the door fully in the case if I escape .

Few hours later.

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