Mess begins

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This being a quite awfully close to everything, mess, chaos and despair of the narrative between the two tale schools, especially counterpart of Agatha and Sophie, also Danny and Elodie.
However with that being said this only the beginning of their messes, desperate friendships and sibling love.
Saying sibling love also meaning Ophelia, Oskar and Tedros' love.

Despite this, they're not that different besides the good and evil part of the narrative.
"Danny!' Mione spoke, although Kylo was standing next to her, smiling.
Meanwhile Elodie had a problem with Danny, she doesn't have that much of a problem with Hermione.
"Elodie, you're staring at Danny again' Hort stated.

Sophie happened to be walking over, before Elodie could protest. "Yes,yes you were, don't hide it." Sophie said
"We used to be friends...that's all, I'm just concerned to what he was doing" Elodie said, although it was more due to the fact, Elodie had noticed Danny's sudden attraction and clingyness towards Lucian.

"Yes, Mione?" Danny asked, snapping out of his trance.
"Come get him" meaning Kylo.
"Sorry, m'lady you're on your own, I'm rather busy" Danny said, he was being playful.

Meanwhile in this time, Hort happened to be lovingly and protectively looking to Sophie...

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