Chapter 15. The grotto

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Armed and alert, the soldiers advanced toward the dark threshold. Uncertainty hung in the air as the cave's darkness swallowed their forms. The first steps echoed in the silence, and Zephyr and Nimra, expectant, awaited the outcome of the decision made at the cave's entrance.

In the darkness of the cave, a giant centipede awaited. Its shell gleamed with an iridescent hue, and its segmented legs contorted in anticipation. Unbeknownst to the soldiers, they unknowingly ventured into its territory, and the centipede awaited the opportune moment.

 Unbeknownst to the soldiers, they unknowingly ventured into its territory, and the centipede awaited the opportune moment

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The ambush was swift and brutal. The centipede's sharp legs lunged at the soldiers, cutting through the air with precise movements. The sound of armor being pierced mixed with the soldiers' screams, and the cave filled with bloody chaos.

Zephyr and Nimra, hearing the echoes of battle, rushed towards the conflict. However, when they arrived, it was too late. Some soldiers lay on the ground, some injured but still breathing, others lifeless—victims of the centipede's ambush.

Among the fallen, two soldiers still breathed, their bodies marked by the lethal claws of the centipede. Zephyr knelt beside them, providing what aid he could.

Suddenly, Nimra's voice, which had lagged behind as they ran to assist the soldiers, cried out for help.

Terrified, Zephyr pondered how to find Nimra in the midst of such darkness. The soldiers informed him that the centipede was wounded and that they could follow its trail of blood. Grateful for the soldiers' prompt advice, Zephyr followed the fresh blood trail in search of Nimra. Soon, they found the trail leading to the centipede's lair.

The cavern opened before them, revealing a surreal sight: the cave's floor was filled with tiny centipede offspring, and in a nest lay Nimra, fighting for her life as the offspring attempted to feed on her.

The centipede, wounded but not defeated, emerged from the shadows. The creature, with its damaged leg, showed signs of vulnerability. Zephyr, eyes fixed on the weak point, coordinated a joint attack with the two surviving soldiers. They moved with skill, exploiting the centipede's limp, and their weapons found their mark on the damaged leg.

The battle was intense and frenetic. Despite its resistance, the centipede succumbed to Zephyr and his companions' cunning and determination. The beast fell, its legs writhing in its final moments.

With the danger neutralized, Zephyr and the soldiers hurried to rescue Nimra. The princess, though weak, smiled upon seeing Zephyr by her side. Together, they decided to seal the cave forever, ensuring no more creatures could emerge from its depths.

Meanwhile, the spy from Melgar, frustrated and furious with his mistake, prepared to communicate with his master. Seeking a hidden place, where dense foliage and the rustle of the wind concealed his actions, he traced arcane symbols on the ground with a worn-out parchment and an inkwell, invoking an ancient communication spell.

Dark energy vibrated in the air as the connection was established. The deep, raspy voice of Melgar resonated in the spy's mind, filling him with fear and submission.

"Speak, wretched spy. Report on the progress of the expedition. I will not tolerate failures," commanded Melgar.

The spy, kneeling in a sign of respect, narrated in detail the events that had unfolded so far. He described Zephyr and Nimra's cunning, the trap in the forest, and how he had managed to sow discord between them. Melgar listened attentively, and the spy could sense his anger even through the magical connection.

Melgar responded, "Your skill in deception pleases me, but the expedition must not reach Grinder. Take more drastic measures. I cannot allow alliances to threaten my power."

The spy nodded, knowing that any sign of disobedience would be met with cruelty.

"I understand, my lord. I will do whatever is necessary to stop them," said the frightened spy.

"If you fail, the shadows themselves will be your executioner. Do not underestimate the wrath of one who controls the darkness. Now, go and execute my orders," concluded Melgar.

With a murmur of approval, the spy concluded the spell. The magical connection faded, leaving him alone with the ominous task assigned to him.

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