31. The Third Alpha

Start from the beginning

"Lord Rane's map. There was a small marker on the castle of a carved dragon. I was confused at first and though, I guessed it's intent, I didn't believe it. But I was so wrong. Andrea, the castle of Erlenia isn't just a home to the royal family. It is the gateway to a dungeon. A dungeon that holds the stolen breed of runen war dragons. Our ancestors stole away several eggs when they were banished. But when the eggs hatched, they found they could not control them. Only an Eastern royal can do that. But because my ancestors were so proud, they refused to throw away what they had found.
So, they locked them away beneath the city. But the strongest ate the weakest and thrived, growing stronger, breeding, and eating whatever came their way. I didn't really believe it, until I thought about Blade's scar. Lord Rane must have sent him in there to see if the dragons were still alive. Don't you get it now? Lord Rane means to release these now that all other plans have failed. So, what if he dies if he brings his enemies down with him? At the beginning all he sought was power and vengeance. To lord over all those who looked down upon him. He meant to find a way to control them. But where is the joy in that when you have no one to share that joy with? For Blade is dead, and Lord Rane has finally seen that he has lost all that really mattered to him. And we must pay for that loss. We are doomed, Andrea. So, listen to me. Go back home. There is no more hope for us. Let you at least survive this."

A heavy weight seemed to press down on Andrea, causing her to fall back on her heels. A wistful sigh left her lips and she couldn't help but give a bitter smile.

"It's too late" she muttered. "I can't leave them. It's to do or die now." She slowly pulled herself to her feet. Reaching out, she placed a hand on the defeated man's shoulders. "Aren't we lucky?" she asked in a soft voice. "We have something worth living for and something worth dying for. Something that makes it hard to let go. I have never had that before. Come, Dade, let's fight one last time. If we die, then so be it. But if we live...If we live, let's let the past lie."

Dade lowered his head. When he raised it again, his eyes held a light that had never been there before. Andrea felt a movement by her side and turned. Dagen stood there, leaning wearily against his sword. He smiled. A genuine smile that lit up his face, causing his youth to shine through.

"No matter the end," he whispered gently. "Let it be together."

The three clasped hands for a moment before Dagen swung about, the two following close behind. They weaved their way through the groups of scattered wolves, until they finally stood in the midst where all the soldiers had been herded together. 

As all eyes were turned to the trio, Dade stood forth, his eyes glinting with determination. He straightened his back and held his head high, as he climbed on top of a fallen trunk. For once in all his life, he truly did look like a king.

"There is something I must explain. Some may know me, some may not. To others I am but a familiar face. I am Dade, King of Erlenia." A loud murmuring swept through the crowd, on all sides alike. "I have come to plead with you. I know you see me as weak and a coward, and rightly so. But one thing I am not, is a disloyal son to our land. And I will not stand by and let Lord Rane bring it to its knees. I know you too fight for your homes, so listen to me now. Lord Rane is none other than one from beyond the mountains. You follow the leadership of a SHAITH!" 

It was almost as if he had struck a blow to each of the soldiers. A sudden death cold silence had fallen over them. Their eyes were fixed upon him, wide with fear. Dade continued.

"I know you have all heard the rumours of a dark being who wandered through the woods and the palace gardens at night, for I have heard them too. Let me tell you now, that those rumours hold every truth. Lord Rane is a Shaith. So, follow me once more and let us defeat him."

The Unhappy Heart (Book 1 of The Wolfheart Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now