Chapter 3: The main course is my family!

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Story Description: As Y/N puts the last part of her plan in motion. She gathers up her father's side of the family that wronged both Y/N and Y/N's mother and feeds them the demons. Even going as far as to teach the demons how to eat humans!

Y/N's POV:

She looks at me her eyes shining and glimmering. Man...Iruma copied off her and I don't blame him. "Thank you, so much, for everything," She says with total sincerity.

"No problem, In fact,,, your son is amazing but I'm sure you know that!" I smile at her as I try to take in all her features, all the features that look like Iruma.

She catches me, not like I was trying to hide that I was staring. "Sorry, it's just you look so much like him, You both look so....dreamy, like in the way that when I look at you I want to fall asleep," I explain as we continue walking to my house.

"Thank you, his father would say all the time that he looked the most like me..." She giggles but sadness lingers.

We arrive at my house and I open the door, letting her in. I lead her to my room, once we arrive I say "Stay here, I'm going to get my mom just so she can see me off, until I come back something family-related" I say and she nods.

"Take your time" she says.

I nod and go to get my mom, I go down the one flight of stairs and to the living room. To mom's bedroom, I knock on her door and I hear a faint "Come in" so I enter. Entering the room I see Mom lying on her bed.

She sits up and gets off the bed, walking up to me she asks "It's time?" I nod as I can already feel the tears prick in my eyes.

She smiles at me and kisses my forehead and then both my cheeks. "Both you and I will be fine Jellybean" she tries to assure me.

I hug her as I let a few tears escape, before collecting myself and saying "I know Ma, I'll come to visit soon, I promise" I say to her putting a smile on my face at the thought of coming back just to get my father's family and feed them to demons.

She says "I know you will Jellybean, now you be careful, I know you are a witch but still, I worry about you," She tells me fear evident in her eyes.

"Like you said Ma, I'll be fine" I kiss her forehead and say "Bye, Momma"

"Bye, Jellybean" She smiles, I wave and then walk up the flight of stairs and to the attic where Ms. Suzuki is patiently waiting for me on my bed.

"I'm back," I say cheerfully, I open my bag and put in all the things I realize that I need. Save for all the things, I'm going to have Baal buy me. I can't wait to start tracking down Iruma.

"Hello!" She says "Is there anything I can help with?" She asks as she tilts her head to stretch her neck.

"Nope, but thanks for asking," I say as I finish stuffing things in my bag. "Alright, let's get started!" I say with what I hope is a determined look on my face.

I stand in front of a blank wall, close my eyes, and relax my body. In my mind I envision the door that I want to lead to the netherworld then I start the chant.

"Door beyond comparison, let all who pass through descend down to the dephs of the neatherworld. As we hold are goals close like precious pearls."

As I finish the chant, I throw one of my stronger potions at the wall to finish it off and then it appears a big royal door.

I look at Ms. Suzuki and ask "Are you ready." She gulps but shakes her head "Yes"as she then goes and opens the door. As soon as she does I hurry her inside along with myself and my magic amazon bag that holds mine and Iruma's belongings.

Where are you Iruma Kun's!?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant