Mission 8:"HARDPOINT"

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Graves is currently in the aeroplane

Graves:Hook,line and fuckin'sinker!
That's what I'm talking about,
Shadows.You know I love that
shit!Comms,get me the general

Shadow-1 Comms Ofc:Check.

Shepherd:Graves,Actual,make my day.

Graves:We got him.Escorting him to
base as we speak.

Shepherd:Make it quick,we can't hold
him for long.

Graves:Roger that.

Shadow-1 TV Operator Pov

Shadow-1 Pilot:Approaching a town
to the north crew.

Shadow-1 TV Operator:Off the trigger.

Shadow-1 Nav:Be advised,friendlies
have stopped on the

Graves:All stations,what's the hold up
down there?

movement at the fuel
station ahead,Possible
cartel.Roping now.

Graves:Copy.We'll recon the area.Be
ready to move.TV get a visual
on that gas station,pronto.

I get a visual on the gas station.

Shadow-1 TV Operator:Copy,visual.

Graves:NAV,set an overlay-ID on the
gas station.

Shadow-1 Nav:Copy,DID set.Multiple
unknowns in the area.

Graves:Tag for weapons.See if any cartel is looking for trouble.

I search for weapons in the gas station

Shadow-1 TV Operator:No visual on weapons.Multiple unknowns,south of the gas station

I continue to look around the area

Graves:Looks like a market.

Shadow-1 Nav:A-firm.Overlay-ID set.

Graves:Any sign of hostile intent?

Shadow-1 Nav:Negative.From what we can see,it's clear.

Graves:Let's get this show on the road...All stations,no visible threat in the area.You are clear to proceed.

Alejandro:Shadow-1 copy that,we're moving.Rodolfo,let's roll.

Graves:All Shadows,ground team is mobile.Keep 'em covered.

Shadow-1 Nav:There's an individual crossing the road.

Graves:What the fuck he's doing?

Soap:Shadow-1 we may have a situation here....

Rodolfo:Get out of the way.

Alejandro:Rodealo!Rodealo!Go around!


L/N:On the right.

Shadow-1 Nav:Friendly vehicle is hit.They're down in the intersection.

Shadow-1 FCO:Armed personnel at the intersection.

Graves:It's a fuckin' ambush.TV,get on the trigger and keep our men secure!

Shadow-1 Nav:Friendlies appear to be moving at this time.

I start shooting the cartel

Graves:All stations,we're engaging danger close.Give me a sitrep when able.

Ghost:Shadow-1,we're up!No casualties,Hassan is secure.

Graves:0-7 copy that,Colonel Vargas,what's the word?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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