Mission 3:"WETWORK"

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Shepherd:Alright clear the room.Let's
go.everybody out now

*Everyone except Laswell leaves amd switches off the lights*

Shepherd:Iran is in possession of
American missiles

Laswell:American missiles in AQ's

Shepherd:Hassan has been passing
our ballistic missiles like
it's fucking Halloween and
we didn't know about it?

Laswell:Gives Iran plausible

Shepherd:Oh,deniability my ass-Iran's
all over this.I wanna know
how many they have and
where they intend to use

Laswell:If Hassan is moving missiles,
he has a smuggling partner

Shepherd:Well then,I would advise
you to find out who that is

Laswell:Give my team two hours with
those missiles sir.I will know
everybody who's ever
breathed on them

Shepherd:Negative-I want them

Laswell:General,there's valuable intel

Shepherd:This is an intelligence
future.Laswell... it's not
gonnna be a tactical one.
There will be 500 enemy
soldiers on that site by
sunrise.We need a win fast

*Shepherd then speaks on the microphone*

Shepherd:Gold Eagle Actual to Ghost.
Move your team and call
for fire.I want those
weapons destroyed.

Ghost:Roger that Actual


Shepherd:What the hell's Amsterdam
got to do with this?

Laswell:It's a smuggling hub.Fort and
canals are insecure.Iran has
friends there.We do too


Laswell:The Captain.He's tracking an
AQ cell in country as we

Shepherd:Well that's the first good
news I've heard all day

Laswell:I'll link up with him and
handle this myself

Shepherd:Kate Laswell bacl on the

Laswell:I want this done right.No

Shepherd:My sentiments exactly.Kate,
I want Hassan boxed up
and gift wrapped.Until then
you keep this tight

Laswell:Naturally sir


Price:What's your ETA?

Laswell:Less than an hour.Where are
you now?

Price:Canals.Under a bridge,watching
an AQ boat

Laswell:Is it carrying a missile

Price:Negative.Not this one

Laswell:Well let's hope it leads us to
the one that does.

Price:I'll be in touch. Gaz -You set?

Gaz:Good here Cap

Price:Let's get after it

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