Chapter 19

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Minjeong's Pov
The thing comes closer to me

I was shocked to see

Jeno: Ooh~ I never forget what you did to me Minjeong. You didn't save me!
He said angrily

"Ho-How did you-"
I asked him

Jeno: Oh pathetic I've done a lot to stay here..
I'm a human as everyone can see but. Why do I need to explain! I'm hungry
He said as I saw his tongue got longer

I looked at the doctors looking at us intently while Heesung is being dragged by other soldiers

Jeno then whip his tongue straightly to my direction luckily I was fast to dodge

I was dodging every attacks he gave me

The lab's door suddenly opened and I saw Karina and Jennie with others standing there seeing us from above

Karina: Minjeong!

She said as Jeno turned his head to her

"No baby leave this room now!"

Jeno smirked at me
Jeno: Owh?! So you. You and her are together now? Disgusting!

Ryujin: Yah you tongue is much mire disgusting!

Ryujin shouted as they fight with the doctor while Jennie is looking for a button to open the door I'm in to let me out

Jeno then whipped his tongue to Ryujin as I jump as high I could to catch it for me

His tongue passes through my body as it injected venom in me

Them: Minjeong!

Giselle: Yah! you.. You can't die yet!

I saw them worriedly facing at me and I looked over Karina already tearing up

"I.. Thank you for being with me.. I love you."
I said as Jeno draws his tongue back to him causing me loss a lot of blood

I dropped on the ground as I loose my vision

Karina's Pov
I saw Minjeong pierced at her center
I can't everything is too much for me

She said her last words as I tried to hold myself

Jeno then laughed at us.

Jeno: Looks like your precious friend is sleeping forever

Jeno then stabbed Yunjin that is readying herself to shoot him

All of us said

Jeno then draws his tongue back and laughed again

Jeno: Should I taste everyone of you?
He said as he jumped right at us
we quickly draw back

He is now blocking the way out as we are cornered

Jeno : Who should I kill first?
Mini mini minie moe?

His tongue darted to Jungwon

Jay immediately came infront of him
Jay: No! You pathetic why did you eve- auck!
Jay's mouth is bleeding right now and Jungwon behind him is also pierced

Jeno: Oh! I like that 2 down.. ahahhaha

All of us is being alert cause this Jeno right infront of us Is a Monster

I tried to get a hold ofyself being strong for others

Soldier then came at rught behind him but he quickly snatched the head of the doctor and bites it

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