Things are not what they seem

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Billy was shown stumbling around through the Old Salem cript "come on!"Cecily is heard as Billy turns his head as he heads the way they went through not to long ago as he spins around before making a turn.

"Here up the latter I'll go first so I can help y'all out"Cecily says as she starts to climb as binc jumps onto her shoulder. 

The bus driver was shown with Sarah sitting in his lap as she smiles as they drive the bus "hey buttercup anybody ever tell you your very easy on the eyes"he says with as the chuckle. Cecily holds onto the latter as she use one hand to push up the sewer top with a grunt as binc hops onto the pavement she looks up as her eyes widen in horror a bus was heading straight for them"binx look out!"she says before loosing her grip as she falls down the latter as max and Alison quickly catch her as binx looks up as his eyes widen.

The bus bumps having ran over something "whoa speed bump!"the bus driver says as Sarah laughs hitting the horn.

Cecily looks up with tears"binx!"she shouts before hurrying up the later as she grunts pushing the top over as she climbs out the who and what she saw broke her heart they're binx layed squished and dead as she sobs into her hands sitting on the ground.

Max, Allison and Dani watch as the elder women cried for her lover before there eyes widen binx was slowly becoming un crushed as Cecil sobs into her hands before she feels something soft run against her arm"my love I can't die"binx says .as she gasp pulling her hands from her tear face stained face seeing binx staring at her"oh binx"she says with relief as she pulls the cat into her arms as he purrs rubbing his head against her cheek as she stands up"come we must find your parents"she says before they were running off.

Mary was shown on the bus as she was looking out the window before standing up holding onto the bars"stop!"she yells as the bus driver steps hard on the breaks as the bus comes to a screeching holt.

"I smell children"Mary says with a smile as whinne stands up holding her broom with a smiled"marvelous"she says pleased as they star to walk off the bus.

"Hey cupcake don't I get your phone number,your area code you want my route schedule"the bus drivers says as Sarah gets off his lap.

"Thou woulds have to take me in the morning"Sarah says holding her broom.

The man shakes his head"no I wouldn'ts "he says as Sarah was usher away by whinnie "oh believe me thou wouldst"she says with her head held high as they leave the bus.

Sarah turns back to the bus"farewell mortal bus boy"she says with a smile as he drives off they were standing in a neighborhood by a beautiful white house with a white picket fence that was decorated with Halloween decorations as a men wearing a devils costume was giving out candy filled with kids in customs as they were trick or treating as the Sanderson sisters looked confused.

"What is this sisters odds bodkins"whinnie says as kid runs past her in a costume as Mary sniffs around as kids in costumes run around just as a little girl dressed as an angel walks around Sarah"bless you"they say as Sarah screams in horror as the little girl runs off.

Mary hugs Sarah "enough"whinnie says as Mary sniffs around confused "oh sisters I'm very confused I smell children but I don't see children...I I've lost my powered!"she cry's until whinnie smacks her cheeks repeatedly "enough enough enough! We are witches. We are evil. What would mother say if she could see us right now", she says as they hold there brooms up before looking down.

A man in a devils costume laughs with a flaming background as the sisters smile with shock's"master!"they run over after sitting there brooms against the fence as they bow before him."what kind of customs are these? It's the Sanderson sisters right"the man says.

"At your service"whinnie says with a smile.

"Haven't seen you for centuries but what the heck why don't you come in to the non-smoking section"he says walking into his home as Mary and Sarah follow him as whinnie scared off kids who came to the house before walking in her self.

Cecily and the others were shown running up to a cop who was on his motorcycle "officer officer we need your help!"Dani says as they were all breathing heavily.

"What's the problem"the officer says

"Sir we need help there are some bad people after us they are wicked they are the Sanderson sisters please you have to help us all the lives of children of Salem depend on in"Cecily begs but frowns when he looks her up and down as binx glares at the man.

Mac then steps forward "I broke into the Old Sanderson house and brought the witches back to life from the dead lit the black flame candle see I even have the book"he says holding the book up.

"You lit the black flame candle "the officer says as max nods his head."and hes a virgin "Dani adds The officer gets off his bike as he then pulls Mac over to talk"are you a virgin"he asked.

"Yeah look I'll get it tattooed on my forehead okay"Max huffs making the officer glare"hey! I put my life on the line to protect this community and you punks pull this get out of here"he says as binx meows angry as Cecily glares before leading the kids away as they run off.

The officer who was just someone in a costume laughs getting back on his back as a women walks out of a liquor store wearing a hot outfit with a coat as her haired was frizzy and had make up on as she raised an eyebrow "what's so funny Eddie"she says getting into the bike.

"Ah just a bunch of kids pulling my chain they thought I was a real police officer "he says with a chuckle as the woman laughs before he turns his bike on revving it as they take off.

Billy was shown pushing the top to the sewer up as a sound of a motor cycle gets closer as he holds up the top with one hand looking around just before the bike runs over slamming the top onto his hands as the Billy lets out a muffled groans as his fingers where chopped off.

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