Chapter 6: Heights

Start from the beginning

"Are we safe?" Ellie asks, nervously. 

"For now. Come on" Natasha pats her shoulder before grabbing my hand tightly. We all walk up to a giant hole in the middle of the street, created by the bombs many years ago. 

"Damn... That's quite the drop"


"Woah...." Natasha paused, glancing down, only to wobble slightly. Just like with my fear of the dark, Natasha was scared of heights. 

"Babe... Don't look, eyes on me" Natasha forced herself to look away, meeting my eyes. 

"Thank you"


"Well, there's the capitol building" Dad points out the building in the distance, making me grimace. 

"Yeah, we need to get around this mess" Tess says. 

"I guess, we're cutting through the building" I remarked. 

"This is the downtown area"

"It was. Now it's a giant wasteland"

"Can we just get outta the rain, please?" I ask, ready to be out of the freezing rain. 

Once inside the building, I took off my wet jacket, shaking the water from my hair as Natasha watched with amusement. 

"Come on babe" 

"Right behind you, keep up kid" I call out to Ellie, who was behind us as we followed Tess and my dad into the hallway. There was a body leaning up against the wall. 

"It's been ripped apart" Tess pointed out. 


"Body's pretty fresh" I added. 

"Is that bad?" Ellie asked. 

"Well, it's not a good sign" Natasha comments. 

"Might be... Let's not stick around" Tess agrees. 

"Another one...." I mutter as we go up the stairs to find yet another fresh looking body. 

"Shit..." I pick up the paper next to him, reading it to myself. 

"Looks like these guys died waiting for backup" Dad leads us through a doorway, where a clicker's body is leaning up against another door. 

"Goddammit. Clicker" Dad commented. 

"Geez... What's wrong with its face?" Ellie asked, disgusted. Clickers have been infected for years, meaning that the cordyceps have grown completely over their body. They can't see, but they sure as hell can hear you. 

"That's what years of infection'll do to you" Tess explains. 

"So, what? Are they... Blind?" 

"Sort of. They see using sound" Natasha adds. 

"Like bats?"

"Like bats. If you hear one clicking, you gotta hide. That's how they spot you" My dad moved the clicker out of the way before tryng to open the door. 

"Whole building feels like it's about to fall apart" Dad remarks as the entire building creeks and groans. 

"Totally cool. Everything is totally cool" I glance at Ellie, who is trying to calm herself down. 

"Gimme a hand with this" I nodded, going to help my dad with the door, but as we pushed it open, a clicker came out of nowhere. 

"Dad?!" The clicker knocked my dad to the ground. Without hesitation, I kicked the clicker off of him, shooting it in the skull. 

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