Chapter 9

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Charles and Diana relax in front of the fireplace after dinner. Cuddled together, the couple enjoys the warmth emitted from the fire. Moments like this make up for all the time they are away from each other. They are just enjoying each other's company.

Diana mindlessly draws circles on Charles's chest as she continues to contemplate whether she is ready to have sex with Charles. The thought has been on her mind since their discussion last night.

She loves Charles deeply, and the thought of them coming together as one excites her. As this is the closest they could be. Then it doesn't help she keeps imagining what the man next to her looks like in the nude. She knows he has a chiseled chest from rubbing his chest; from pictures of him in a kilt, he has nice legs for a man.

Like the muscled men pictured on the covers of her Barbara Cartland books, she could not help but fantasize about Charles as such. Riding up on his white horse to carry her away, they spend the rest of their lives happily in love. Although such fantasy is childish, it is what it is: just a fantasy.

"Darling, are you ok?" Charles asks, noticing Diana has been quiet for most of the evening. Her mind was in deep thought.

"Yes, I'm fine," she replies softly.

Moving her head gently so he can look into those beautiful blue eyes, he asks her again, "Are you sure you are alright? You have been quiet all afternoon."

"Yes, I'm fine," she replies before kissing him. A kiss that quickly becomes passionate.

Once they break apart, they look at each other. At that moment, Diana made a decision.



"Do you love me? I mean, do you love me? Are you serious about us getting married, that you are not just saying it to keep me around?"

"Yes, Diana, I'm madly in love with you. I can't see myself spending the rest of my life with anyone else but you. You are the ray of sunshine in my life. I'm looking forward to the day we get married and get to be together forever. I love you, Diana Frances," he says, placing her heart on his chest."

"I love you too, Charles."

A moment of silence falls between them.


"Yes, my love?"

"I want you to make love to me," Diana says, her voice just over a whisper.

He looks at her, not believing what she said.

"Diana, did you just say what I think you just said?"

"Yes, Charles, I want you to make love to me," she replies with a little more conviction in her voice.

He lets out a breath and rubs his temple. "Diana, Are you sure? I mean, shouldn't you wait until you are ready?"

"I am ready, Charles. I love you, and you love me," she replied, peaking from under her bangs. A gesture that he can't help but find adorable.

Sitting up, Charles thinks. She is asking for a decision he knows can't be undone once it's done. He loves Diana deeply, and the thought has wreaked havoc on his fantasies since they met.

"Darling?" Diana says, rubbing his back.

"I don't want your first time to be out of lust."

"It's not. I know I am ready to take that next step."

He looks into her eyes, and she looks into his.

Letting out a deep breath, "Alright, tonight we will make love," he replies.

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