Chapter 4

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Charles and Diana agreed the dress code for their first date would be a little more relaxed. Charles suggested they have dinner at a secluded chateau outside Cardiff. A chateau one of his friends owned and was happy to let Charles use. Diana agreed as it would give them privacy without the press getting wind of their blooming "romance."

Charles wore a simple black suit with black patent leather shoes from Tom Ford. He wants to look his best for their first date. Diana said she would wear a simple dress. He knows whatever she wears will take his breath away.

Sipping the last of his brandy to help soothe his nerves, his butler, James, announces Diana's arrival. He stands up and picks up the bouquet of red long-stem roses.

The door opens, and a vision enters the room. He smiles when she comes in front of him and curtsey.

"Good Evening, Your Highness," Diana says with a smirk.

"Good Evening, Beautiful," he replies, kissing the back of her hand before presenting her with the roses.

"Thank you. They're beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you are," Charles replies, caressing her face as if he needed to ensure she is real.

Diana blushes as she smells the roses.

"Why don't we have a seat? Dinner will be ready shortly," he says, guiding her towards the sofa.

They both sit down; Diana puts the roses on the coffee table.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Charles asks.

"I'm ok, thank you," Diana replies softly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'll wait until we sit down for dinner."

"Alright. So how was your day?"

"It was good. A little tiring but good."

"I hope the drive wasn't too long?"

"No, not at all, about twenty minutes. I must say, this is a beautiful home," Diana says, looking up and admiring the antique furniture.

"Yes, it is. I just happened to remember one of my friends had a home here. It had been quite some time since I had stayed here before."

"So, what do you think of our country so far?"

"It's beautiful. Lush greenery for miles. Eighteenth-century castles showing rich history. I also have to admit your country has a lot of beautiful women," he replies with a wink.

"Diolch yn fawr."*

Charles raised a confused eyebrow. Sadly he didn't know any Welsh.

"Thank you," Diana replies with a slight giggle.

"You're welcome," he replies, feeling like an idiot.

"No need to feel embarrassed; I know Welsh is not spoken outside of Wales. If you like, I could teach you a few basic words."

"I would like to learn. What makes it even better is I have a beautiful instructor."

Diana blushes.

Just then, James enters the living room.

"Excuse me, Your Highness; dinner is ready to be served."

"Thank you, James," Charles stands up and extends his hand for Diana to take it.

They both enter the dining room, and Diana smiles as she sees how much Charles wants their dinner to be special. White tablecloth with two lit candles, which is the only source of light. A table set for two with the best Welsh dishes. Welsh dishes are known for their intricate and beautiful designs. The icing is the rose petals sprinkled on the table.

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