Sade, Poems and lot of skin

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As the days passed, you couldn't ignore the subtle shift in your dynamic with Eren. Though the idea of friendship still felt like a stretch, you couldn't deny the growing sense of camaraderie between you two. His once abrasive attitude softened, revealing facets of Eren that went beyond the tough exterior.
The small talks in class evolved into moments of genuine connection, and you found yourself acknowledging that Eren wasn't the villain he portrayed himself to be. It was a revelation that challenged your initial perceptions and hinted at the possibility of a bond that transcended the boundaries of animosity.

As you casually ate between classes with Mikasa, Sasha, and Historia, Mikasa brought up the burning question everyone seemed to be pondering. "What's happening with you and Eren?"

"What do you mean?" Feigning obliviousness, you replied, hoping to sidestep the conversation."I mean, since when can you tolerate him?"
"Well, he's been here for me since Halloween. He's okay to talk to sometimes," you admitted, keeping your answers short.
Mikasa probed further, "Never thought you'd be friends with Eren."
"We're not friends. I'm just polite," you clarified, feeling a bit embarrassed discussing him.

Then came the teasing. "Is Eren a good kisser at least?" Historia playfully jabbed, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Oh my god shut up, Historia!" you exclaimed, sensing the conversation taking an embarrassing turn.
"Don't tell me you two didn't do shit in Connie's room" "We just talked, I swear."
"Talk about what?" Sasha chimed in, clearly enjoying the spectacle.
"Porco," you mumbled, avoiding eye contact and hoping to divert their attention from the discomforting subject. "Oh".

After the mention of Porco, a momentary silence enveloped the group as everyone navigated the unspoken tension. Breaking the quietude, someone had to ask the inevitable question.
"Why talk about Porco?" Sasha, the outspoken one, finally voiced the lingering query.
With a casual shrug, you replied, "I don't know. He came to apologize for his behavior. Whatever, what are we doing this weekend?" The intent was clear – it was time to shift gears and move on.
Mikasa, with her pragmatic outlook, contributed, "Good question! I might head home, but if you guys have something interesting planned, I'm in."
"I heard there's a new club with good music that just opened. Connie's planning to hit it up with the boys." Sasha, always up for a good time, grinned mischievously.
Knowing the crucial role girls played in getting into clubs, she proposed to join them "That's the plan, then. I'm down." The prospect of a weekend filled with music and adventure lit up the group's spirits.

"Girls are joining us on Saturday night," Connie warned, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. Eren sighed, tossing his head back in response. "No pussy then."
"What do you mean, no pussy?" Connie prodded, seeking clarification as Eren affirmed his sentiment. "Nobody will approach us when they'll see we're already accompanied."

"They won't give a damn," Connie asserted while attempting to reassure him. "He's right," Armin added his agreement from the end of the room, aligning with Eren's perspective.

"Whatever, I don't care. They won't be girls prettier than them," Connie declared, capturing Eren's nonchalant attitude. "I think they're scaring the other girls off," Armin shared his thoughts, contributing to the ongoing banter in the room.
"You already have your girl Eren so why do you care" chimed Reiner in the conversation. "Who you talking about?" "Y/n" "Give me a break"

In Eren's perspective, these days felt like an unexpected turn of events. What started as a casual acknowledgment in class had slowly transformed into something more significant. He found himself consistently drawn to your presence, engaging in conversations that went beyond the usual banter.
The rigid walls he had built around himself began to crack, revealing a version of him that wasn't solely defined by defiance. There was a subtle warmth in his interactions with you, an acknowledgment that the lines between enemies were blurring. The realization that he could appreciate your company and share moments of genuine connection was a revelation that challenged his own perceptions. Perhaps, amidst the arguments, an unexpected friendship could be emerging between you two.

Seated comfortably in your usual spot within the classroom, you anticipated Eren's arrival with a sense of casual patience. When he eventually entered, a remarkably sweet smile graced your face, managing to melt away any lingering animosity he'd come to associate with your interactions. Perplexed by what actions of his might have warranted such a genuinely warm response, he found himself marveling at your ability to let go of months of tension.

"Finally, you're here!" you exclaimed, expressing genuine excitement at his arrival. "Just had lunch with the guys. What's up?" he replied, curious about the reason for your enthusiasm. "Haven't you heard? We've got plans for the weekend," you revealed, sparking an undeniable thrill within him. "Oh, Connie mentioned it. Looks like we'll catch up there," Eren acknowledged. "Yes, I'm looking forward to it!" you added, although he didn't mirror your enthusiasm for the upcoming weekend rendezvous.

"Will it be your first time there?" He inquired. "Yeah, actually," "Oh, you'll love the music there. It's clearly your vibe."
Curious about what he meant, you asked, "Why, what's my vibe?" "Basic bitch vibes." Eren teased playfully.
"What? No, it's not," you chuckled, attempting to hide your laughter while pretending to focus on your computer. "Yes, it is! I saw your Spotify Wrapped. Gwen Stefani? Really?" he continued, prompting you to defend your music taste.
"It was just one song! I have a pretty good musical taste, actually"

"How the fuck do you know my Spotify Wrapped?" you turned to face him, questioning.
Eren fell silent, contemplating a subtle lie to cover up the fact that he had been stalking your Instagram account late at night and accidentally watched your story. "I don't remember when I saw it. But I know I saw it somewhere," he finally responded.

"Yeah, on my story because you were stalking me!" you accused. "No, I was not! What the fuck?" Eren protested.
"You know you can follow me, right?" you suggested, highlighting the more straightforward option. "I wasn't stalking you! Connie showed it to me, I think."
Doubting his words, you casually pulled out your phone and presented a screenshot of him watching your story. "What? Why would you screenshot it?" Eren asked. "Because I showed it to the group chat," you replied with a hint of amusement. "You have a group chat without us?" he questioned, "You're telling me you don't?" he looked away, caught in his own admission.

Eren distinctly remembered the night when an unexpected wave of curiosity prompted him to delve into the depths of your Instagram profile. As someone who believed in the idea that a person's profile could offer insights into their personality, he embarked on an analytical journey.
The array of content on your profile told a unique story – a blend of Sade, Jane Birkin, evocative poems, and surprisingly intimate glimpses of your own naked form. Hot tub escapades, moments captured on the balcony, entangled in sheets, and even lounging on the floor; each post seemed to narrate an intimate chapter of your life.
Interestingly, your face was a rare presence, making appearances sparingly. Yet, when it did grace the frame, it was always in a vulnerable and captivating manner. The pouting lips, eyes reminiscent of a cartoon doll, and the artfully tousled hair; every portrayal added a layer to the mystery of your allure. With each snapshot of your face, Eren couldn't help but be captivated by the unique and exceptional beauty you radiated.

The night Eren inadvertently revealed that he had been watching your profile, a sense of satisfaction washed over you, as if you had unknowingly triumphed in a silent competition. While you had entertained the thought of stalking Eren, you never quite summoned the courage to do so. So, when he took the initiative, it piqued your curiosity, and you couldn't help but wonder what he now thought of you after glimpsing a different facet of your personality.

Casually, you turned the tables, asking him, "So, what do you think?" His surprise at your question was palpable. Why would you seek his opinion on such a matter?

With a nonchalant air, he responded, "It's great. A lot of skin. My mom loves Sade as well." Deciding not to let the moment pass, you playfully asserted, "Well, your mom is a woman of taste. And I'm trying to be more modest lately. You must have noticed since you were stalking me." It was a deliberate move to tease him, and you were pleased to see it lead to Eren throwing his head back, chuckling, and revealing dimples that had previously escaped your notice.

The sight of Eren being himself was your favorite, and it never failed to stir butterflies in your stomach. While you had always acknowledged his good looks, seeing him smile, especially when you were the reason behind it, was something you would never tire of.

His laughter still lingering in the air, Eren responded, "Yes, you are right, [Y/n]. I was stalking you all night because I can't get you out of my mind." The playful admission only added to the intrigue and newfound camaraderie between you two.

BLUFFIN - EREN J.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora