What's good here?

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Morgan was curled up on her messy bed with one of the books from the library, a notebook and her phone when Lina got home later that evening. Lina went about her normal routine, waiting for Morgan to speak up about what happened with Namjoon after they left, but Morgan was suspiciously quiet. Lina sat at the foot of her own bed, legs and arms crossed waiting as Morgan scratched notes as she read, not even looking at her phone as it pinged constantly.

"Ok so you either need to answer those or spill." Lina finally spoke up, her patience wearing thin after the day she had.

Not even looking up, Morgan reached for her phone, turning it off slowly, laughing to herself at Lina's exasperated noise. She went back to her notes for a minute or two before finally looking up at her friend. "And what would you like to know, my dearest Lina?"

"You know what I want to know, what did you two talk about after you left?"

" I believe what you meant to say was, did we talk about you after we left. Am I right?"

"Grrr you know you are, so did you?"

"No Lina we didn't. I didn't spill anything about your massive crush on the hot dragon-eyed man who frequents your library when there are five more in the city, not to mention the massive amounts of book stores that he could procure books from, but chooses to come to your library." Morgan blinks innocently.

"So.. what did you talk about then?" Her bestie questions. Logically she knows there are infinite amounts of things for the other two to talk about, but as far as she knew they only had her in common.

"Lots of things. His friends, metal work, jewelry making, his love of museums and nature walks. My love of being in nature. My search for a job, which he was actually helpful with. We exchanged numbers and he has been sending me random links to jewelry pictures, or jewelry tools he thought would be of interest to me."

Lina sits there stunned. They sounded like they got along so well, like they just seemed to click together and had more things in common than she thought her and Namjoon would have. Was her crush on him stupid? Does he prefer Morgan to her now that they have met? Would he stop coming in to the library? Or worse yet, would he keep coming in, but ask her about Morgan? How would she deal with that? Having her best friend, practically her sister,  end up with the guy she had secretly been crushing on for almost a year. She might have only started talking about him eight months or so ago, but she had noticed when he started coming into the library well over a year ago.

She was sitting at the information desk, scanning in returned books like normal when a loud thump, followed by many more semi-quiet thuds, came from the room where they keep all the local history books, as well as authors who came from the area.

Groaning quietly, she hauled herself out of her seat and walked towards the area with all the noise. Looking in, she noticed a tall, baffled looking man surrounded by books that were no longer sitting orderly on the shelves. The biggest pile of books was next to a book shelf that, while braced to the wall, now had three shelves that were broken and hanging off.

He turned around at her muffled scream. The apologetic look on his face coinciding with the apologies spilling forth from his lips. Lips that, when she finally looked away from the mess to his face, she noticed were full and puffy, perfectly plump in every way. 'Ok Mary Poppins that quote was not meant to describe a fine specimen of man, but god did those words ever fit.'

"I am so sorry. I don't even know how it happened, all I did was reach for a book. I don't know if my other hand hit the shelf or what, next thing I know the shelves are breaking and I'm suddenly surrounded by all these books." He quickly knelt down, grabbing a bunch of books at once and laying them in a stack on the table, only to have the stack there fall over too, the books tumbling back to the floor at his feet.

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