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[ Can't go home ]

Emma had been staring at me for the better part of the last hour. Either she wanted something or she wanted to tell me something she wasn't supposed to. I was trying my best to ignore her and focus on my homework but feeling her eyes on me was pretty distracting.

"What?" I'd finally had enough. I put my textbook down and met her stare. "Just spit it out."

She bit the inside of her cheek and her brows pinched together. Then she sighed and leaned back in her chair. "I wanted to ask you for a favor."

I waited for her to continue.

"Could you come to the Toman meeting tonight and take some pictures of the boys? I know you hate violence and like to stay as far away from the gang as possible but I want a good picture of them all together," she was kind of rambling. "And I'm sure they'd all appreciate some cool individual shots too! It's just that you're really talented and your pictures always turn out amazing!"

It was my turn to stare, with my mouth hanging open, if I may add. Emma had officially lost it. There was no way in the ever-loving hell that I'd agree to that.

I was about to put it into words when Emma continued, "I promise the guys are cool and chill. You're gonna love them!"

"I can't." The way her face fell made me feel guilty for refusing her. "I'm sorry. It's just really not my scene. Besides, I'm sure you can get someone else to do it or you can do it yourself."

"It's not the same, and you know it."

We stayed silent for a long time until Emma finally caved.

"Okay, fine. Forget I said anything." She didn't sound mad, but she did seem disappointed.

I tried my best to ignore it as I went back to studying. I loved my chosen sister but Toman had never been my place. With everything that was going on at home, I didn't need any more violence in my life.

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"Where have you been?"

I clicked the door shut behind me and lingered a second longer before turning to face him. His eyes were bloodshot and he was swaying on his feet.

"At Emma's," I said.

We'd been through this routine enough times, I knew it was better to tell the truth than come up with a lie.

His brows shot to his hairline. "I've told you... not to see that family!" His words came out slowly like he had to focus to say what he wanted. "It's no wonder one of them died!" A crooked smile curved his lips. "They're all good-for-nothing hooligans!"

My heart squeezed at the mention of Shinichiro. His death had hit me hard but it had been even worse for Emma and Mikey. Anger flared in my chest.

"Don't talk about them like that," I said, my voice threateningly low.

His eyes widened in surprise. It had been years since I'd last talked back to him.

He let out a maniacal laugh. "You want to be like them, don't you? You want to die fighting with your little friends?"

I glared at him, finally letting my feelings show on my face. The hatred and anger I'd been harboring in my heart.

"Go ahead then! Leave!" He shoved me toward the door so hard I stumbled backward out of it.

Then he went back inside only to come out a minute later with my backpack in hand. He threw it at me and I caught it.

"Don't come back until you know better!"

Little Runaway || Mitsuya T.Where stories live. Discover now