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Are you,
are you ever coming home?
I search for you almost every night,
look now at my empty hands.

I look in the mirror
not seeing who this is.
Strange things are happening here,
that haunted door is one of them.

Do you,
do you see who I am?
You look into my eyes
yet your hands are away from mine.

How could you,
how could you ever forget me?
I called you a thousand times
yet you never talk to me.

Are you,
are you still here?
I don't know who I am,
but I'm sure I know you.

Are you,
Are you leaving now?
You are right, the house is haunted,
I'm haunted, I am haunting it.

Do you,
do you know how many years have passed now?
I'm still here, I didn't left, in the dark
yet the light is now blinding me.

And maybe,
and maybe I will see you again,
the house is now free from her ghost,
my haunting self leaving after centuries of history.

Ellie ✨

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