What To Feel When You Don't Want To

Start from the beginning

"I don't... I... just feel like shit." I tell her.

"Well... does that have to deal with the fact that she had so much to deal with and you feel like she took the easy way out?" She asked and I look at her.

"I mean, she was bitten we know that but I mean... she took herself out." She says and I look down.

"Please don't remind me that I couldn't take my own wife out of her misery." I groaned out and I set the bottle down.

"No, I mean... I didn't mean to say it like that... shit I'm not good at talking about this stuff." She mutters and I laugh a bit.

"No, no you are not." I laughed and I look to the grave again.

"I don't think it's healthy for you to just be sitting here with a... grave marker." She says.

"Look, it's all I have left of Violet."

"How? You have her vest, you have photos of her, your leg was built by her." She says.

"I mean that... I know that she's right here, I wish I could have her physically with me and this is the next best thing." I tried to explain.

"I honestly wished we could have cremated her but we couldn't." She says and I look to the side a bit.

"I'm getting another beer." I mutter as I get up and I head inside the house and grabbed a beer before it was taken from me.


"Nope, we did the same to Violet, you can't be drinking." She says and I look to the woman and then to the ground.

"I just... I want to forget that she's gone." I tell Minerva.

"Look I think you and Ruby should talk, we can't be having you getting drunk in this state." She says and I glare at the ground a bit.

"I would like to just have one night." I say as I grabbed the bottle back.

"Think about it this way, would Violet want you to turn to drink because of her?" She asked as I opened the bottle.

"I'm not drinking to get drunk, just... please leave me alone.... I promise I'll come out later not drunk of my ass." I tell her.

"I want to trust you Clem but I don't think you should be left alone." She says.

"Minerva trust me, I'll be fine, plus there isn't much to drink anyway." I tell her and show her the fridge.

"Alright... fine, but... please talk to us." She says and I nod as she leaves and I look to the back door again and I take a breath and then took a drink. I go over to Violet's recliner and I take a seat then look to the photobook on the coffee table so I grabbed it. I flip through the book a bit and smiled as I see the photo of Violet and I as we were dancing at Joans.


"Come on Clem, it'll be fun." Violet says as she comes up to me as they played some country music.

"No, I don't want to." I say as I was seated on the porch.

"Come on Darlin' ain't no shame in dancing with me." She says in her country accent and I look at her. She tips her cowboy hat to me and I smile a little bit and I hear her chuckle.

"Come on Clem, dance with me, it'll keep my mind off work." She says as she held her hand out to me.

"What if my leg breaks?" I asked.

"Darling, I made that leg to withstand any damage, please just one dance will make me happy, and I bet you'll be happy too." She says and I look at her a bit as she moves her hand away from me and then takes a seat next to me.

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