Would I Do It Again?

Start from the beginning

"Are you ok?" She asked and I nod and grabbed her shirt and pulled her out the room and we find the kids as they were climbing on the railings and I laughed at Clem's face.

"AJ, LIZ BE CAREFUL!" She yelled and I laugh some more when they just look at her.

"Violet this isn't funny." She says and I wipe the tears from my eyes and I look to the two and they look back at me and I sigh as I go over to the railing and they come down.

"Aw come on it was fun." AJ says and I look at them a bit.

"You could have gotten hurt." Clem says as she comes up to us and I nod in agreement. I mean she was right. I clear my throat again.

"Right." I mutter and they look at me and shrugged as we walked more around to store.

"Wait you talked." He said and I shake my head at this.

"Yes, you did." He says and I shake my head and lift up a finger.

"What one word a day?" He asked and I shake my head and rubbed my head.

"Guess one person gets one word a day hu?" Clem asked as she looked to me and I nod.

"Well that's not fair because you used one word for both AJ and I." Liz says and I chuckled and lift up two fingers and point to them.

"Yes." She says and I chuckled as she pumped her fist and I look around a bit. We find some more blankets and I head into one store and looked around a bit. I shake my head when I see some cribs and I glare at them a bit.

"Hey what's wrong?" I hear and then look to the side to see Clem looking at me and I place my hand on the crib and then shove it a bit making it move slightly.

"You're angry at a baby crib?" She asked and I look to her then back to the crib. I then look to her the point to her then to the crib.

"Do I want a kid?" She asked and I nod a bit.

"I'm happy with what I have Violet." She says and I rubbed the back of my neck and groaned a bit. Why can't I just talk to her, she won't get mad at me will she? Oh of course she will I'll always say something stupid.

"Did you want a kid?" She asked and I place my hand on my stomach where my scars were and I glare at the crib.

"I mean not like you having them." She says and I sighed.

"Joan... no kids." I mutter to her and I look at her as she looked to me.

"Not me." I mutter and then rubbed my throat a bit.

"Did you want to have kids?" She asked quietly and I think a bit then point to her.

"You want to have kids with me?" She asked and I keep silent.

"Are you jealous of Ruby and Aasim?" She asked and I look at her and shake my head.

"If the world was different, we could have tried, but look." She says and makes me look to AJ and Liz.

"We have a wonderful son, and if you want a wonderful daughter." She tells me and I feel tears in my eyes as I think of Mary.

"You aren't replacing Mary at all if that's what you're thinking." She tells me and I nod a bit.

"I just want you to know you aren't replacing her, yea she wasn't yours but you never replaced her real mom, just like I didn't replace AJ's mom, he knows what I know about her, Mary knew her mom but... we took them in and yea we got attached." She says and I clear my throat again.

"You know AJ's birthday is coming up." She whispers and I look to her and I point to her.

"Well mine passed already... but you gave me a necklace so you got me a gift." She tells me and I nod a bit at this and I look around the shop a bit.

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