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I know sometimes it sounds like all I want is to be famous, and you're not wrong. I want people to know me, to watch whatever I'm in because I'm acting in it. Vanity High would be the show that got my name on the map. I'll grow with my audience. This was my stepping ladder.

But even with the joy of upcoming fame, I can't help but throw myself almost completely to the scene, I'm no longer Vanessa. I'm the bitch of the school. I regenerated back to who I could have been had I been given the same opportunities or choices.

I'm leaning on the lockers, glaring at Christopher who's holding his bag and glancing at the empty hallway, we're late for class. Not that it mattered. I'm upset. I'm angry. I'm ready to scream. I am the queen bee of this school and my idiot boyfriend was trying to break up with me.

"I just think, we'll be better as friends."

"As friends?" I repeat, cold, irate.

He nods.

"If you really thought that," I say, "You wouldn't have been fucking me last night."

He flinched. He knows he's in the wrong. But now that the possibility of dating Priya has risen up, he's caving. I'm not stupid. There's no use trying to tie a dog up when all he wants is to break free.

With all this in mind, I push back on the locker, standing upright and walking closer to Christopher, tired, and weary I brush his shoulder even if I want to hug him, plead with him to stay. We hold the moment, as the cameras adjust move and click, refocusing us in the frame, because, at this moment, it is - just us.

I breathe out my next line, there's malice in my voice even if I whisper it softly "I know what you really want," I wait and say my last line "Go have your fun, but we both know you'll come crawling back."

Without a last glance, I steel my expression, whatever vulnerability is gone and I move out of the scene just as Elliot yells "Cut!"

And everyone's cheering. It's the take. A one-take with Christopher, no wonder everyone's cheering.

"I literally shuddered," Emma says as I walk towards her. I smile amused. I'm proud really. I feel like I've really brought my character to life. It's my last scene. The next few will be for Christopher and Priya.

"She's not kidding," Priya comes up, her slick black hair in two braids, "You were really good."

I smile at her, "Guys, really, you're making me feel embarrassed."

Christopher is like a magnet now, he comes over to Priya and leans his arm protectively around her. "I'm looking forward to the next scene," he says.

"I'm sure you are," I tease.

Priya tenses, then rolls her brown eyes, "Since you must know, it's really not what it looks like."

Christopher stiffens, slightly.

Emma who was puking in the bathroom, glances uncertainly between all of us. "What do you mean?"

I glance at her and then back at Priya. Priya doesn't offer the information up. Normally, I'm kind enough to let things go but after dealing with Priya and Christopher's needling for the last few months, I want to prod and prod till it bruises. "So you're telling me you both weren't passionately making out?"

Emma's mouth drops open in surprise. She glances at both of them. Christopher's ears turned red.

"I wouldn't go as far as to say it was passionate," Priya says. Christopher's arm moves off Priya as though he'd been the one burned. "We were both pretty buzzed."

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