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Much when it came to the Fontaine Research Institute has gone down hill ever since Bossuet had seen to retire. At this point, Maillardet's main station has been moved to the Northern parts of Erinnyes near the Opera Epiclise and Fountain of Lucine, where the 'Icewind Suite' and their dance floor is located, standing there collecting data to improve their fighting capabilities.

"All of these events... ugh. I really should've quit earlier before all of this." Chisseray complains in conversation with Sevigne. "Maybe Genevieve was actually right, I can't shake the thought out of my head!" She monologues to herself "I know there's nothing against Maillardet, but his recent actions are super fishy!" "Maybe Bossuet really got to him..." Chisseray rolls her eyes.

"What's with you and Bossuet, Chisseray??" Sevigne asks "Oh, I just am not a big fan of him, you can say..." Chisseray responds. "Well, I'm free tonight..." She thinks to herself. "You know what, Chisseray, I think I'm going to look into this myself..." "Well, good luck on that..." Chisseray continues with her business. Sevigne eagerly awaits for the shift to end to start her investigation.

Once she leaves, she drops home, grabs a coat and kamera of hers and proceeds. "Maybe I should check Erinnyes... Maillardet's there anyway." She takes the aquabus to Erinnyes where Maillardet can be found. Shockingly, despite the late time, she arrives at the dance floor where the 'Icewind Suite' can be located, Maillardet standing there, still awake, still observing the two.

"Maillardet?? How are you still up at this hour?!" She asks, startling him "Sevigne? I didn't expect to see you around here at this hour!" Noticeable eye bags are seen under Maillardet's eyes, showing how passionate he his with the project. "Well, I felt like I haven't slept in hours... What are you even here for?" He asks. "Just wandering around here, I guess..." Sevigne responds.

She hides her true intentions being to see if Maillardet had been behind anything recently. He is the oldest member both in age and in time being in the institute that was in Bossuet's team, obviously seen with the wrinkles he has on his face showing his age, even having experience before the Institute had exploded. Sevigne bids farewell to Maillardet and goes to continue.

"Bossuet was last seen in the lab under the Mary-Ann Memorial park... Maybe something I need will be there." She mumbles to herself as she marks her journey to the park, all while Maillardet gives her a menacing glare from behind her back. Even if Sevigne was exhausted from the lack of sleep and low energy, she persists and eventually makes it to the Mary-Ann Memorial Park.

She knows the entrance to the Underwater Laboratory, she gains the power of the Transoceanic Pearl that Fontainians possess and swims down to the lab. Once she gets there, she discovers an empty laboratory, well, except for the 2 prototype meka that Maillardet had built and a portrait of Bossuet "Hmm? What's this doing here?" Sevigne investigates it. "Monsiuer Bossuet..."

"Of all places, why here?" She thinks to herself. "He could've left his own portrait at Petrichor." She looks around the place, hoping to find some important clues. As she had worked here with Maillardet in the past, she knows where the nook and crannies of the place are, eventually coming out empty-handed. Figuring that she can continue another day, she exits the place.

Jumping down into the waters again, she is about to leave, until something catches her attention in the corner of her eye. She swims over to investigate what it could be. Thought it isn't clear, due to the decomposition, there was no doubt about it. It was a Senior Uniform from the Fontaine Research Institute, the one Senior Researchers or Technicians would wear in work.

"And Bossuet was a Senior Technician..." Sevigne thought to herself, suddenly she started piecing everything together. "Last we saw of Bossuet, he went to this exact lab. That was also the day Maillardet went home earlier than he usually does." "The very next day, he had revealed Bossuet was forced to retire and..." Sevigne loudly gasps at the realization she had discovered.

"Had... Maillardet murdered Bossuet just like that??? Just to take over his project?" Sevigne hurriedly took some evidence with her kamera and swam out through the exit. She wanted to directly confront Maillardet in the matter first things in the morning when headed to the Institute. She would first past through Erinnyes, where he was stationed after taking over.

She marched over to him by the dance floor. Maillardet stands exactly where he stood last night, drowsy from the lack of sleep as well as his dedication to his new field of research. "Maillardet!" She exclaims. He is actively startled by her presence and nearly knocks over his own kamera. He catches its tri-pod stand just before the kamera could hit the floor, possibly damaging it.

"Sevigne??" He yawns, speaking to Sevigne as she mumbles to him, "I know what you did..." Maillardet's eyes widen, thinking his cover has been blown wide open. "I have the evidence right here!" Sevigne takes out her kamera, then showing Maillardet the evidence she took, being a picture of decomposing remains with the Fontaine Research Institute's Senior Uniforms.

"I know the institute will back me with this. The evidence against you is overwhelming!" Sevigne exclaims, running towards the nearby Opera Epiclese to report the situation. With what little Maillardet had of his energy, he chases after Sevigne with devious and malicious intentions filling his mind. He simply had to silence her, or she'd reveal what he was hiding to everyone.

He had full visions of how she'd have to leave this world early because of her discoveries. Though his efforts were in vain, as the Opera Epiclese was quite nearby, she was easily able to get there before he could reach her. She quickly reports the case as nearby Gardes come to arrest Maillardet for him simply chasing Sevigne in such a threatening manner. A trial is to be scheduled.

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