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Time passes as the opening event to the completion of the project that is the "Icewind Suite" ends up being a huge success. "C'mon, let's have some Fonta to celebrate!" Heinry exclaims, offering bottles of Fonta to other members present. "Yeah. Drink up, you guys." Denichere adds, helping Heinry to pass out the bottles of Fonta. "Well... I'm not thristy." Maillardet refuses.

Heinry who had offered Maillardet the Fonta was slightly confused. "He usually would at the very least take one to bring home or something..." "Heinry... We oughta tell you something." Genevieve alongside Sevigne approaches Heinry. "Look, Mr. Maillardet has been acting REALLY strange recently..." Sevigne tells him "How so?" Heinry asks. "You see..." Genevieve starts.

"Maillardet really helped out with the 'Icewind Suite.' He created the prototypes for them and such... But he seems too infatuated with them to say the least..." "Yeah, he's really obsessed with the idea of giving them combat modifications, yet when we ask him why, he seems to avoid the topic." Sevigne adds, taking a sip from her bottle of Fonta. Heinry scratches the back of his head.

"I don't really get it... Were the prototypes also applied with combat mods?" He asks "Yes, they'd even beat up Maillardet himself if he accidentally disrupted their dancing." Genevieve answers "AND HE FOUND IT FUNNY FOR SOME REASON!" Sevigne yells from disbelief. "Huh... That man is real weird..." Heinry says. His craving for violence within meks grows suspicions from the others.

Days after the launch of the "Icewind Suite's" completion and a majority of the institute's members are back in the ruins of the new Fontaine Research Institute. "Where's Mr. Bossuet?" Sevigne asks some of the members "Oh, he went to the lab under the Mary-Ann Memorial Park. I don't know why though." Chisseray responds. "Who else?" Sevigne asks Chisseray.

"...Maillardet usually stays here a lot later than other members. I think he told someone else that he left earlier today. Something about resting and getting the thoughts about those combat mods out of his head." Chisseray responds. "Oh, good. He hasn't been shutting up about those mods since the first proposal of that project..." Genevieve joins in the conversation.

"He really wanted these dancing clockwork meka to have some sort of fighting capabilities, huh... Even the prototypes he created had some sort of fighting abilities." Sevigne exclaims. She had worked with Maillardet in the lab under the Mary-Ann Memorial Park and had witnessed him with those said prototypes. They continue to presume that Maillardet simply went home.

Meanwhile, down in the underground lab and ruins of the Mary-Ann Memorial Park is Bossuet with a recently painted portrait of himself that was apparently commissioned a little after the showing of the complete 'Icewind Suite.' He decided to keep it by the lab under the park alongside a memo next to the painting. Some may question why here specifically, but whatever.

Bossuet stands, reminiscing the past of his time in the Institute until the time he had been promoted to the title of Senior Technician in the Institute. All of this while something or someone had been stalking him into the lab. Standing behind Bossuet within the shadows, it grabs a blunt object from a sort of pouch of its own, it tenses up and swings with much power.

This causes some head trauma, nearly having killed him. Luckily, he had just been knocked out, as Bossuet catches a small glimpse of the perpetrator. His deep blue eyes stare deeply into what he thought was a now-deceased individual. But to make sure his victim was truly out of the picture, he approached the body and had hit it a few more times directly at the head.

He made sure he was dead, blood flowing onto the lab's floors and sprayed on both the weapon, revealed to be a wrench being blunt and hard enough to cause head trauma, and what seems to be the Fontaine Research Institute uniform for those in the branch of Clockwork Meka Research and such. A wide grin is seen on the face of the murderer, as there was no other witnesses.

It felt like something was building up within, and was finally released in the form of the death of a colleague. He turns to see the Artificed Dancer Prototypes, Lothair and Claire, standing still as if waiting to receive orders. "You two were great prototypes..." Starting a monologue "But I suppose you can say I have some new toys to play with..." The meks continue to stand still.

Not long after, he decides to start disposing the evidence. First by disposing the body, hoping for it to decay while being hidden well in the nearby deep pools of water. Soon washing out all of the blood from both the weapon and along the floors and walls. As the man had left the scene, it looked as spotless as if he were never there. He goes and exits the laboratory under the park.

Using the given power given to most Fontainians, the Transoceanic Sourcewater, he uses it to leave the lab through the currents that lead to the exit. He leaves from the body of water to a nearby shore next to the waterfall parallel to the New Fontaine Research Institute. His rosy brown hair as well as his body dripping wet from the small swim, he looks to the building.

He grins to himself, having no remorse nor sympathy to what he had done. "Now, with Bossuet out of the picture, no one is going to reject my ideas...! I'll take over the project of the 'Icewind Suite' and I get to do whatever I want, now!" He psychotically exclaims to himself. "Maillardet's going to FINALLY add those combat mods!!" He loudly cackles as a way to spill out his insanity.

"I'm just going to tell everyone he decided to retire... It's the perfect cover up plan! Absolutely no one's going to find his body, anyway..." Maillardet gets going back since it's late, and he had to start his even greater plan immediately tomorrow...

Malicious Murders from MaillardetWhere stories live. Discover now