Chapter VI

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Elyas realised he had no idea how to start a conversation with the woman he had married

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Elyas realised he had no idea how to start a conversation with the woman he had married. He didn't know her or what she liked. Still, he knew he had to talk to her. Even though he hadn't truly wanted to marry her, he didn't want his marriage to be cold. He knew he couldn't expect friendship, but maybe understanding?

He knew he wouldn't have married her if he had a choice. But he didn't. Darin had taken that choice from him, and all Elyas could do was try to make things work somehow. She also didn't want to marry him. They had at least that in common.

" What do you think about Ashinora?"

Elyas' question made the former Queen turn her gaze on him. He waited for an answer, not wanting her to think he was putting pressure on her. After a few moments, her answer came:

" It's very different from home. The traditions, the language, everything."

Elyas nodded. " Do you miss Felloria?" He had noticed how she had called Felloria home.

" Yes. I miss my family mostly. Faris told me Keris was upset about my lack of letters."

" You should write to him as soon as we get to Brumstone. It would be easier to send the letter from there."

Elyas could see something in her eyes, although he couldn't read it. Did Sylas forbade her from writing letters? Surely not. He couldn't have been mad enough to deprive the Emperor of his sister's letters. Elyas stifled a sigh. Making a man with a large army angry wasn't smart, and he had no intention of doing that. Not only because he feared the Emperor, but because he also had a sister. He knew he couldn't even stand the thought of someone harming her.

As he turned his gaze on the forest surrounding them, Elyas suddenly wished he was home. Leaving so soon after a battle, not even knowing who had died and who had simply been injured... It hadn't been fair. Not for him and definitely not for his men.

The cold forest was not a place he wished to linger more than he had. He could smell the damp wood, and it worried him. Summer wasn't over yet, and it had been raining. His people would see that as a bad omen. It would seem there were only bad omens lately.

" The rain is a bad omen," Elyas whispered.

He had never been religious, but he had been raised with certain superstitions. He couldn't bring himself to let go of them.

" Only if you have something to hide. The rain cleanses, and it makes our secrets come to light. It is both a gift and a punishment."

He hadn't expected someone to hear him, especially not to give him an answer. It had been more surprising when he realised lady Sayra was the one to answer. As he looked once more at her, he realised the rain had wiped the symbols from the ceremony. It had stopped raining for some time, but he hadn't noticed they were gone.

He remembered the moment she came back with the priestess and talked with her cousin. She looked... Well, different. Elyas didn't know how to describe the change in her, but there had been something. He still couldn't quite put his finger on whatever it had been.

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