Chapter IV

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Elyas sighed

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Elyas sighed. Things were not going as planned. Maybe they never did. All he wanted was to return home with his men. Now, he would return with a wife.

And not any wife. The Queen. Well, former Queen.

He hadn't had a chance to talk with her. He didn't even know what he could say to her.

Sorry you have to marry me only a day after your husband was killed?

Faris has spent two hours explaining to Elyas their customs and trying to tell him he was a better choice. The only reason Faris had found was that they were close in age. The Queen was twenty-four, and Elyas, twenty-five.

" You aren't going to a funeral, Lord," one of his closest friends, Kennon, said to him.

" No, the funeral was last night."

He hadn't seen her there. Faris claimed the Queen had wanted to pray for her husband's soul alone. Elyas had no idea what prayers could do for Sylas. He had been a monster. That didn't mean his wife or children were guilty of anything.

" It can't be that bad," Kennon added.

Elyas had a feeling it could be that bad. He knew nothing of her, and she knew even less about him. He knew who she was, where she was from, and a bit more from Faris. She knew... what? His name and where he is from.

" I wrote a letter to Liana," He told Kennon, talking about his sister, whom he had left in charge. " She should know what to expect."

They would leave after the ceremony. Elyas had no wish to stay for a feast or anything else. The sooner they left, the sooner they would arrive. In Brumstone, he could see what was to be done. There, he had no reason to fear spies or assassins. Neither did the Queen. Brumstone was safe.

" Everything will be fine. You'll see."

Elyas shakes his head. He had not wanted to get involved in politics. Now, he would leave with the Emperor's sister as a wife. A hostage, truly. He was more involved than he had wanted.

He knew the risks. The Queen could be an important pawn. Her brother wouldn't do anything that could harm her. That made her so much more important in Darin's eyes. She could be used to make sure the Emperor doesn't get any ideas. Even worse, someone could decide Sylas being dead wasn't punishment enough. And, killing his children could prove hard. Killing his wife could be seen as easier.

And Darin... If Darin believed even for a second the Queen might plot against him, he would kill her. Elyas knew the man well enough. They had not overthrown a tyrant. They simply replaced him with another.

In his youth, Elyas fought with Darin. He could see the new King was what he was. A cruel and avaricious man. Someone they could never trust.

Hearing footsteps, Elyas turned to see Faris approaching. He had been waiting in one of the castle's gardens. No one had bothered to tend to the garden, the flowers were dead, and the weed had grown too much.

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