Getting to know my mate pt2

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Emily's pov:

I tied them both up. Wrapped their arms an legs in thick rope then I hung them on the tall tree branches by their hand ropes. This will be a nice wake up call these fucking wolves I'm about tired of them an their back talk. When they wake up they'll have quite the scare.

It took about twenty minutes till the pair woke up I went in side an changed into my usual tight long black shirt an black cargo pants then started a giant fire right underneath them incase anybody wanted to continue to lie to my face I had the ropes set up as a pulley system so I can slowly lower them into the fire. I know it's bad but I fucking despise people that lie to get what they want. Then I went to go grab that backpack an set it by the fire.

To take the edge off I went into my garden an picked a plant called marry Jane baby I brought it back over to my chair by the fire an grinded it up an rolled it with in seconds I lit using the bonfire in front of me an patiently waited for them to wake up. As I went through the bag hmm lots of mens clothes pants, shirts,shoes, underwear an toothbrush hmm I guess that wolf was bringing him clothes. Well we shall see the truth soon.

I got bored waiting while I was smoking so I grabbed a couple or rocks and made a nice big pile next to me an sat back down. I casually picked them up tossed them in my hand a bit then pummeled them at the two maybe it'll help wake them up. Finally I seen Bastian waking up an his wolf friend still haven't shifted back hmm. I watched them as they seen the bind they where in an watched the wheels already working on how to get out of it.

"Oh...looky here the two sleeping beauties woke up." I said sarcastically. "Now why don't you tell me everything about your friend Bastian." I said looking him dead in the eye.

"Let us down Emily an I will tell you everything." He told me calmly at first but I seen right through him all the anger an irritation he's hiding. "I won't say it again. Let's make this clear fucker you come into my life saying we are mates an that the gods made us for each other okay great sounds fantastic I gave you the smallest amount of trust to get to know you and let you be on my land an you go behind my back an call your buddy their to take me back to your pack house and have your way with me! This is how I see this situation please elaborate.!" I practically screamed the last part I felt like I was on fire with how angry I was at him.

He took a giant gulp to realize the shit he in. "I did not call my beta to come here and I would never take you away with out your consent I simply told him I will be taking a few months of vacation since I finally met my mate and to not come looking for me." He told me all the anger an irritation out of his eyes. "I wanted to get to know you that's why in the house I was about to tell you the ways of our people an tell you your role in our pack." I could feel his truth in his words that's what mattered to me. "I understand and I am willing to hear you out and get to know you Bastian but you must understand that you are a stranger to me an not twenty minutes ago an enemy. I'm glad you are truthful." I gave a small smile to him not my normal bright eye ones. I was still pissed an needed to talk to his beta but it was strange feeling the waves of sadness coming of Bastian.

I turned towards his beta "what is your name wolf?" I said sternly looking him in the eyes he quickly bared his neck to me an said "my name is Barin my Luna." I felt the truth in his words so I continued "why did you dare come into my territory Barin?" He didn't skipped a beat "I came because I was just so exiting to meet my best friends mate plus I brought some of his belongs so Bastian can be more comfortable since he'll be staying here for a while even though he told me not to." He told me truthfully with a sad look on.

Hmm everything in me told me that they was telling the truth so I sighed heavily, I paused and looked Bastian in the eyes again looking into his soul. "Don't yous ever go behind my back and don't yous dare bare your teeth at me, those are fighting words to me."

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