S5 E12

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I vamped into Hope's room to see her still sleeping she had on a tank top and she was laying on her stomach so I saw all the dark veins on her back

Then I looked at the door and saw Klaus

He waved me over and I walked over

Get Hope and put her in the car we are going to mystic falls for hope's first transition. Klaus said

It has been a week since the wedding and tonight is the full moon


Me, Hope and Elijah are at the mystic grill I am sitting next to Hope

I am wearing a black shirt with some black jeans

If you're here to tell me that my dad has a heart of gold, this is probably the worst spot, considering that there's a plague inside near the dartboard for some woman that he killed in the moonstone ritual. Hope said to Elijah

Take a look at that storefront across the street with the charcoal awning. Piece of land used to be our home. Smell of it still haunts me to this day. The burning wood, the crushed flowers, the berries. Your father was incessantly painting back in those days. Mixing, searching for brighter reds, for deeper blues. Used to wake me up in the middle of the night just to show me the color that he would swear he himself had invented. I remember the first time that he showed me a turquoise. Elijah said

I was eating fries and drinking my milkshake

It's also the first time I smelled blood. Elijah added

You see, when Mikael found Niklaus fashioning a paintbrush from a small branch, he took that branch... He struck my brother across the face. Elijah said

What did you do? Hope asked

Niklaus begged me to run away with him, but I told him that I would never leave Rebekah and Kol at the mercy of Mikael. So we stayed. And, of course, it was a mistake. We should have run away together, but... your father couldn't go alone. But I did swear to him I will protect him from that very day. Elijah said then a boy walked over

Peanut butter blast, whipped cream on the bottom. Just how you like it. The boy said

Thanks, Landon. Hope said

Yeah. He said

Uh, this is my uncle, and my other uncle that is basically my dad. Hope said

Nice to meet you, Mr. Marshall. Landon said shaking Elijah's hand

Nice to meet you...

Noah. But you can't call me that. I said

Overprotective dad. Hope said

Just call him Mr. Hunter. Hope said

So, Hope. You haven't been around much lately. Landon said as I started eating Hope's fries

Oh, yeah, there's been stuff back at home. Hope said

Oh. Well, I was, I was hoping you'd be back. I mean, you're from New Orleans, right? I've always wanted to go. It's home to some of the greatest musicians of all time. Landon said and I ran a hand through my hair

Then kids from the local highschool started throwing ice at Landon

You should go. No matter where you are, there's always someone playing a Louis Armstrong song somewhere. Hope said

Then two more ice cubes came flying at us and me and Elijah caught them

Uh, actually, there's, um, there's music in the square tonight. I mean, they do it all the time, but tonight there's this kind of bluesy vibe and I thought maybe if you wanted...

Oh, Landon, i-i can't tonight. I have a thing. Hope said

Right, yeah. I should probably pick up an extra shift anyway. Landon said

No, thanks, though, for asking and for the milkshake. Hope said

Yeah. It was nice to meet you two. Landon said

And you. Elijah said and Landon walked away

I should go check on Klaus. I said

Bye. Hope said and I left


Niklaus! Noah! Elijah yelled as he ran to the old mill with Hope in his arms

Klaus and I ran over and we laid her on the porch of the old mill

She just collapsed. I don't know--

Quiet. Klaus said and checked her pulse

No heartbeat. Please. Please. Hope. Klaus said

Elijah, get Caroline. Tell her to bring her girls. Go! Klaus yelled at Elijah and Elijah vamped away then Klaus started doing CPR

Please come back to me. Hope! Klaus yelled

Hope! He yelled again

Hope, wake up! I yelled

Klaus kept on doing chest compressions

Please, Hope. Please. Hope, come back to me. Hope, please. Klaus said then Hope gasped awake and she sat up


Dad. Hope said

Oh, you're okay. Oh, you're okay. Klaus said and they hugged they both were crying

Dad. Hope said

Dad, I don't want to die. I don't want to die. Hope said

I know. Klaus said

I know. You're not gonna die. Sweetheart, you're not gonna die. We found a way to save your life. And everything is going to be better in the morning. I promise you. I said and i hugged Hope

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