S1 E11

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I woke up before Davina and went to my room to change clothes then I heard a crash coming from Davinas room

I figured Marcel went to talk to her and she is still mad at him

I went to get me and Davina some food then the house started shaking and stuff falling on the floor

I ran to Davinas room and pulled her close to me and she hugged me

It's okay calm down. I said and slowly the house stopped shaking and she passed out

What's going on with you. I said to myself as I layed her down then I saw dirt on the end of the bed

I'll figure out what's going on. I said to myself and left the room to find the others

Guys why is there dirt on her bed? I asked

She threw it up and she shook the whole French quarter. Klaus said

We are trying to figure out what's happening. Marcel said

She's going to be fine Noah. Hayley said

She better be. I said and walked out


Sophie just told us that she needed to kill Davina for the harvest

Sophie, look you are being a annoying witch right now, so tell us how to fix Davina without you slashing her throat, or else I'm going to kill all the witches in New Orleans and find someone else to help us. I said pointing a knife at her

The harvest with help her it will resurrect her after, if the harvest doesn't happen the powers she holds will kill her and take down the world at the same time the last stage is fire she will bure the world down. Sophie said

Okay and am I supposed to care, let the damn world burn you aren't killing her if you want her you'll have to go through me. I said and stormed out


I am with, Elijah, Marcel and Sophie

She is trying to convince us to do the harvest

Then wind started to blow the window open and shut

I sped to Davinas and got on the bed with her holding her in my arms

Davina it's okay breathe Rebekah won't hurt you I'll make sure the harvest doesn't happen but you need to sleep and stay calm. I said and wiped her tears

She calmed down and Rebekah gave her the sedative

Your okay. I said and she fell asleep

You really care about her. Rebekah said

I don't want her to die Rebekah. I said getting off the bed

I know but you'll be saving her. Rebekah said

I left the room to go find Marcel

I found him later when he punched Klaus

Listen you two. I said looking at Elijah and Klaus

Davina is not about to die, she will get past this she is strong. I said

Marcel I have to talk to you alone. I said and grabbed his arm walking away with him

They won't listen and will still do the harvest we need to do something you need to take Davina somewhere text me where you are and I'll meet you there we will not let Davina die today or tomorrow. I said

Okay. He said

Go get her ready tell her I'll see her later. I said

Thank you. He said and walked away


I am drinking whiskey when the wind started blowing hard

Then I heard footsteps coming towards me

What did you do? Rebekah asked

I told Marcel to get Davina out of here because you guys want Sophie to kill her. I said

We are trying to save the city. Klaus shouted

Since when did I ever care about the city I'd rather see it burn to the ground then let and innocent child die. I said

We built this city and you want it to burn. Klaus said

For Davina yes I do want it to burn. I said

And if anyone of you try to do the harvest you are no longer my family you are my enemy and I will massacre you all over and over again. I said then Klaus Punched me

The last time you did this your wife was almost killed by a witch who you thought of as a daughter, I killed her for that don't make me hurt you Noah. Klaus said

I hate you Klaus I want what you are about to have, I want a child to protect, I want a daughter to hold when she's scared, and Davina has been that to me, I want to be happy with a family and everytime I try they always die because of you. I said gritted at him then sped out to go find Davina

After a while I got a text to go somewhere from Marcel and I went there

I heard crying and sped to it and saw Davina and Marcel

Noah. Davina said and I went over a hugged her

Your gonna be fine your a fighter so fight. I said


Me and Marcel came with a conclusion that we have to do the harvest because Davina started throwing up water

But I didn't want to do it

Davina convinced me and Marcel to let her be sacrificed

I kissed her forehead and picked her up

Me and Marcel went to the cemetery and fire was behind us as we walked

I stood Davina on the alter and Sophie heated up the knife

She walked over to Davina

Do you believe in the harvest? Sophie asked

I believe. Davina said

I put my head down as Sophie slit Davinas throat and I caught her as she fell and watched the light leave her eyes then the rain stopped

Now Davina is laying next to the other dead girls

And I am waiting for something to happen

After the harvest comes the reaping. Their sacrifices made and accepted, we call upon our elders to resurrect your chosen ones. Sophie said

Come on. I whispered but nothing happened

We call upon our elders to resurrect your chosen ones. Sophie said again but nothing happened and I put my head down

Resurrect your chosen ones. Sophie said and nothing happened

Please. I beg. Sophie said then started crying

I knew it. I said then walked out the cemetery

I am walking in the street when I saw two people in a alley

I went in and saw them kissing I grabbed one person and bit his neck as the girl tried to scream I covered her mouth

Then the guy fell to the ground dead

Then i bit the girl and ripped her throat out

I went back to the compound and went to my room and took my shirt off

I looked on my hand and saw Davinas name carved in still and felt myself get angry and I ok punched the wall over and over again then I felt my arm get grabbed

Hey, hey look at me. Rebekah said grabbing my face

She's gone Rebekah and I don't know what to do. I said crying

I know, I know. She said and hugged me

I miss her. I said

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