S3 E18

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I am feeding on a woman in an alley

Then I dropped her body and then I was thrown against the wall

I looked up and saw Lucien

Hello, Noah. He said

Lucien, I must warn you, I'm not myself. I said and I ran at him and he grabbed my neck

You can relax, I'm not here to hurt or kill you, I'm here to make an offer. He said

Like I would ever do anything for you. I said and he threw me down

You were once my best friend, I would never kill you, I want you to join me. He said

Then he pulled out a small jar that had blood in it

Then he tossed it to me and I caught it

Join me, I'll even let Rebekah live along with us. He said then he sped away

I got up


So Lucien just gave this to you? Hayley asked

Yeah. I said

Are you going to take it? Freya asked

I don't know, maybe, it could be the way to stop him. I said

He might be right. Elijah said

Maybe you should wait. Hayley said

Wait for what, for Lucien to hurt me by hurting the ones I love, like you Hayley, or Davina, or Hope, Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah, Kol? I'm not doing that when I know I can stop him. I said

Then Kol walked in with blood on his chin and Marcel following behind

Noah, Marcel thinks I would hurt Davina. Kol said

I just looked at him and I stood up

Don't the witches have control over your blood lust? I asked

Yes, they do, can you please tell him to leave town, so he doesn't hurt Davina. Marcel said

I won't hurt her! Kol yelled

I agree with Marcel, that is the only thing me and him can agree on is protecting Davina, you should leave until we get the witches in check, but if we can't, we kill the rest of the new Orleans coven, you can take your bloodlust out on them not Davina. I said

I wouldn't, come on brother, believe me. He said

That's the problem I do believe you Kol, you will leave New Orleans today, and you will not go see Davina until you control yourself. I said

Because Kol, I don't care if Rebekah would hate me, I will kill you permanently if you even make Davina lose a drop of blood, you will die, and I would not care. I said

Fine, brother. He said

I have to go. Elijah said


I am with Freya, Elijah, Klaus, and Hayley

I am holding the vial of the serum stuff Lucien made

Noah! I heard Davina yell

I threw the serum to Klaus he caught it and hid it behind his back

In here. I shouted

Did you tell Kol to leave, Marcel told me. Davina said

Okay, first I didn't tell him to leave, if you want to accuse me, at least get it right darling, I threatened to kill him if he did not leave. I said

Why? I could have helped him if he was here. Davina said and she kept ranting about it

I slammed my hand on the table making her jump

If he was here he would be upstairs locked in a box for the rest of his life. I said

He didn't do anything yet. Davina said

The ancestors were sending him after you, you didn't see it, Every time he was with you he would get more angry and hungry for blood, they wanted to kill you, I chose the safe option where no one died. I said

I have to go to St. James. She said

Be safe. I said and she left

Father of the year. Hayley said patting my bad

Give me the serum. I said

Klaus tossed me the serum

I caught it and I opened it

Then I drank it

Who wants to kill me? I asked

Elijah, Klaus, and Hayley raised their hands

Wow. I said

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