several minutes later...

The train had left the station and Uji is seen sitting with his group beside Hayami, he was just talking about the plan when he got bored and grabbed his weapons case and opened it up and started cleaning his weapons, he had brought Zealot, Demonic Spirit, Golden Spiral, and Calamity. And for close ranges he brought Exterminatus, all of em were heavy so he got 2 weapon cases for them, while he was cleaning he saw everyone looking at him...

Uji : ... what? Im just cleaning my weapons...

Chiba : Uji... why did you bring 2 Sniper rifles and a shotgun...

Uji : uhh to assassinate Koro sensei? what else...

Hayami : But still, that dosent seem like a normal Sniper rifle to me Uji...

Uji : Oh it is because these are my customized guns that i got from a friend of mine... yep definitely that...

Hayami : If you say so Uji... well we will continue the plan and ill tell you what it is ok?

Uji : Ok, ill listen in while cleaning my guns i guess...

His group then began talking about how they will assassinate Koro sensei in kyoto, the location, time, etc. While discussing Uji had gotten a great idea for how he could assassinate Koro sensei...

Uji : Hey, you know how we had a sniper shoot Koro sensei at the train bridge? How about i also snipe Koro sensei from there, i know the assassin trying to snipe Koro sensei, he is a good friend of mine

Chiba : I think that is a good idea, you should try that while we distract Koro sensei at the bridge, so you and the sniper can shoot him!

Uji : k, lemme just ask Karasuma for the permission really quick

Uji then went towards Karasuma sensei who is currently sitting down just reading a newspaper quietly...

Uji : Karasuma sensei, can i snipe with the sniper you planted in Kyoto? I know him well

Karasuma sensei : hmm?... Ok you may shoot with the sniper I planted at Kyoto, Just remember to not let Koro sensei know about it!

Uji looked pleased with Karasuma sensei's answer and went to the others to tell then he was allowed to execute his plan out, now Uji just went back to listening to their plan while cleaning his weapons...

Several hours later...

It is already the evening when they reached Kyoto and arrived at their hotel, and while the other classes got luxury 5 star fucking hotels, class 3e was stuck in a... motel... yea it aint that good...Uji was in his room setting up his weapons for the assassination attempts the next day, so he just had to hope Koro sensei did not know about his plans on how to assassinate him...

Uji : K, which sniper do i use for the assassination... Demonic Spirit i choose you!!

Uji was currently sharing his room with 3 other boys, Chiba, Maehara and Sugino! so it'll be crowded to saz the least in a not so big room for 4 people... but he had to deal with it cause what else can he do?

Chiba : Uji how much Snipers did you bring?

Uji : uhh 3, Zealot, Demonic Spirit and Divine Void, i wanted to bring Nautilus but had no space for it so i only brought 3

Chiba : Impressive, but did you only bring Sniper rifles?

Uji : Of course not, i also brought an assault rifle, an SMG and a katana...

Sugino : Damn! thats a lot of weapons you brought

Maehara : How did you even get them here?

Uji : They're bb weapons... i just told the, their bb weapons... like how you got you bb weapons here

Uji (thoughts) : No they aren't bb weapons, i just filled out a form and got it here because i did it a million times already... im a regular...

Sugino : True, we did also bring our bb weapons so i guess it is possible

Uji : yea you looked over that fact bro

Uji and the others then went and discovered an arcade room, and since it was night they decided to play games there to just relax for a while. After sometime Uji was looking through the games when he found a specific game... it was Godzilla PS4, and the moment he saw he immediately started playing it and loaded up his safe file... and immediately picked his favorite character Kiryu and started doing online PVP!

Uji : Oh its time to show what happens when you fight a world champion Kiryu Player!

Uji was quick and started winning battles rapidly with skill and precision, while this was happening most of the boys were watching him...

Uji : HAHA! Another win to Kiryu!

Maehara : Bro! youre so good i wanna fight you and try!

Isogai : Yea same!

Uji : Well there is another game station beside so get on it and try i guess...

One by one they all try to 1 v 1 Uji in the game, but they got their asses handed to them by the World Champion player of Kiryu himself... well this is what happens when they fight a World Renowned champion i guess.  The skill gap is just massive and Uji knows more about combos and game mechanics... plus he even knows what new players would do and exploits it to get an upperhand!

Uji : Welp there is another win for me i guess...

Isogai : How did you beat 2 of us??

Maehara : Yea man! I thought if I and Isogai fought you togetehr we would win but no! We got obliterated by you how?!

Uji : Well i cant tell you but there is a new 4 player mode so maybe... 3 people fight me?

Sugaya : I wanna try! I think we can kill him with 3!

Isogai : Yea we might have a chance!

They did not have a chance... he just made their attacks hit each other accidentally while toying with them for like 3 minutes before ending it in 5 minutes... yea all 3 were obliterated in a 1 v 3, so basically Uji did a team wipe... they tried 3 heisei gojiras, 2 heisei 1 king ghidorah, 3 destoroyahs and all failed cause they keep hitting each other...

Isogai : What the hell!! Maehara stop hitting me?!

Maehara : I am not! i am aiming at Uji but he is too fast and my attacks are landing at you!



Maehara & Isogai : Wait up isogai! we are coming!!

Maehara and Isogai tried helping Sugaya but Uji's kiryu was too fast and they dont know what the attacks of destoroyah even do, so they just spam random stuff to their dismay... and most of the time they hit each other or had to look to the menu to see the combo attacks only to get destroyed by Uji while at the menu screen...

Maehara : How the hell?! I just got defeated!

Isogai & Sugaya : You aren't the only one bro! we also got our asses kicked by Uji! Like bro teach me how to atleast play

Uji : Well do the campaign mode... it teaches the mechanics of the game!

All 3 : Oh yea... there is a campaign mode...

Terasaka : Hey its my turn to try!

Sugino : And me too!

Mimura : And me! Give us a try too u 3!

The boys then had an argument on who should play next and it was pure chaos, Uji literally had to bring them all to his room where he showed he brought a ps4 500 million limited edition with like 8 controllers, cause the game got the biggest update 1 month ago with a lot more Kaiju and levels, plus new raid modes! so all the boys can play together with 4 playing in the arcade, 8 at the Ps4 and Uji will play on his PC cause the game also released PC compatibility in the last Update!

For the rest of the night they were literally doing Raids to become better and doing Clan wars, since they made a clan and fight other clans in like 4 v 4 or 5 v 5! It was very fun so they did it for a long time! Heck they even invited Karasuma Sensei to join them and play!

Uji : Heh lets see what tomorrow has instore for us in Kyoto...

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