First day at class

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Uji is currently approaching the class when he was greeted by a man named Karasuma...

Karasuma : ah you must be Uji correct? you should be the new student, my name is Karasuma, a special agent from the ministry of defense... i think you should already be informed of why are you here right?

Uji : Karasuma huh?... well yes i was already informed of why i am here... and it is certainly interesting... especially the creature you told me to assassinate...

Both Karasuma and Uji started to walk side by side to the building, and then karasuma asked Uji what the black brief case is...

Karasuma : hmm, Uji i am curious... what is the black brief case you are carrying for...

Uji then sarcastically responded to Karasumas question...

Uji : hmm? oh this... just a pizza... :D

Karasuma : oh... must be my pizza correct...

Uji : yep... recipient name is "fuck off" ... and i think you are the customer and i shall deliver it to you!

Karasuma : hmm... we will get along very very well... Patriot...

Uji : oh yes... yes we will

Bothe then kept walking to the classroom as Karasuma then went to the teachers office and Uji stood outside of the classroom... preparing to go inside...

No one POV

We see all of class 3e currently talking to eachother when suddenly koro sensei comes in the class

Koro sensei : alright everyone, today a new student will be joining you to try to assassinate me!

everyone : ... a new student?

Nagisa : koro sensei, who is the new student?

Nakamura : yea koro sensei tell us

koro sensei: *giggles*, lets find out shall we? i also dont know who the person is...

everyone then waits for the person to come in when the door slides open revealing a boy, wearing a red and black hoodie and shirt, black jeans and red shoes, seemingly ignoring the dresscode ish of the school... he then enters the class when koro sensei greeted him...

koro sensei : hello! u seem to be the new student? my name is koro sensei, introduce yourself to everyone!

Uji Pov

Uji : ok... my name is uji... thats it...

Uji then went to place his bagpack and a black briefcase at the back of the class and then approached koro sensei... he then extended his hand for a handshake and koro sensei seeing no killing intent or weapons shake his hands... thats when uji flicks his right hand extending and revealing his chainblade! he then sliced 2 of koro senseis tentacles off as everyone watches in shock while koro sensei watches in shock and excitement looking at the new challenge!

Uji : your speed is remarkable but you seem to not have a lot of awareness of the surroundings, in fact your reaction speed isn't really that great, seeing how i just shook your hand and sliced off 2 of your tentacles, koro sensei...

Koro sensei then looked at Uji in excitement as his face began to turn and have some green stripes? And it seems he is getting cocky...

Koro sensei : *giggles* inpressive uji, u were the second student able to slice off my tentacles... but will you be able to slice off another of my tentacles?... *giggles*

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