"Hello? I can sense you."

"'(Y/N) what are you doing out here?" Sasuke Jumped down from the roof and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Sasuke and I did not get along for a very long time, To be frank we hated each other. I thought he was an ignorant fool who happened to be blessed with looks. And he was annoyed I didn't take his crap. But I now understand he's a little like me. Confused, rageful, and trying to get something a little more. I sympathize with him a little I suppose. I know that's like more than anyone. He's still a cocky asshole though.

"Trying to eat in peace."

"Why aren't you hanging out with Naruto, It's what you too always do" He saying giving his usual uninterested look.

"Tonight I'm his wingman. God knows somebodys gotta teach him how to talk to people." I say slightly chuckling.


"Why are you out here"

"Too many girls."


He shot me back a glare.

"Kidding." I say defending myself.

"Tell me, what's the discman for?" He says folding his arms on the side of the table.


"Duh. But why bring it everywhere" He says smirking.

"Because I can" I say, side eying him slightly smiling.

"Useful information as always" He says sarcastically

"I try to be as helpful as possible" I say, smirking at him.

Before I could say anything he takes it out of my hands.

"So how does this thing even work?" He says Holding it out of my reach. "It's all in english."

I sigh and stand up taking the headphones and put it on his ears.

"You press the rewind button then the play button and there you go."


I take my hands away and tilt my head looking in his eyes.

"What do you think?"

"Not as bad as I thought. You didn't answer my question, why do you take these everywhere?" He says looking into my eyes, The way he held my gaze was both intimidating and attractive.

"It's the last thing I have of my home, it's comforting. Distracting."

Sasuke nodded in understanding. He looked down to his feet and then met my gaze again.

"I have something like that too.. Anyways, this is a waste."

"What is?"

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be standing in a dress like that out here by herself, you should be inside or something-"

"And you shouldn't?"

"Ugh, being in there for less than a minute I'd get smuggled. I hate this kinda stuff anyway."

Listening to him talk was-has been different, rather than brash and rude he was charming, pleasant, and almost a little dreamy.

"So I should be dancing with someone."

"Hn." He looked to the left and blushed.

"Sasuke. Would you like to dance with me?" I say looking down.

What was coming over me? A month ago I wanted to skin this man alive.

"W-Whatever" He said blushing.

He cleared his throat and put his arms on my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I tried to watch my steps as I accidentally stepped on his foot.

"Sorry..." I say looking concerned

He laughs and smiles.

"You're an idiot."

"Not as much as you" I say, smiling back.

We stand and sway for a bit until I get kinda stuck in his gaze again, it was getting very close almost like we were going to-

There was a huge bust of noise coming from inside, screams, a bust of movement. Worried, we rush inside. Just to see Naruto submerged in the cake.

"Wingman! Code red! I tried to get a piece and slipped. Do you think anyone noticed? Ew Sasuke, what are you doing hanging out with that loser?"

"Says the one with frosting all over his face" Sasuke says glaring at Naruto.

(Present time)

Do I like Sasuke?

Question...? (Sasuke Uchiha) {Break}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ