Chapter 64

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Tess's POV

"I mean it wasn't bad, but I think it could've been better." Lauren said as we were walking out of the theater. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that I had no notifications. I was expecting at least a hundred from both Gray and Riley, both complaining that they didn't want to be at the events they were at. There's always drama with Gray's brother and his dad so I was expecting to hear about that, and as for Riley, well, she's with Charlotte. Do I need to say more?

"But anyways what did you think Tess?" Lauren said pulling me out of my own head.

"What? Oh yeah, I liked it. The main guy wasn't as hot as I thought he was going to be though."

"Exactly." Lauren kept on about the movie. I listened as we exited the theater and made our way to my car. As we drew closer I saw Gray's car parked next to mine and in it were him and Riley.

"Why are they here? And why are they together?" Lauren questioned. Before I could answer they saw us walking up, and with that Riley opened the door and ran to me. She came in with such force that if she wasn't as strong as she is we both would've fallen. Riley held on and didn't let go, which isn't normal for her. Normally I'm the one holding on and begging her not to let go. I heard the other door open and then I saw Gray standing next to his car.

"Come on Lauren. I'm taking you home." Lauren gave me a look then looked back at Gray.

"Fine. But I want a slushy on the way home."

"Done." Gray said as they both got into his car. I focused my attention on the girl who was latched onto me and didn't want to let go. As she held onto me I felt her swaying a bit. Then I smelled what was underneath the smell of coffee. I pushed her back, and I was about to get angry at her but then I noticed her eyes. They were red and puffy.

"Riley what happened?" She didn't answer. More tears fell.

"Riley, love, what is going on?" I put both my hands on her cheeks the same way she always did to me when I cried. I felt her shivering and her jaw clench from the cold.

"Let's get in the car." She nodded and with that I grabbed her hand and pulled her back towards my car. I turned the car on, then pushed the button for her seat warmer. We sat in silence for a little while. I started getting worried.

"Riley, I need you to talk to me. You're scaring me."

"I'm sorry." She cried.

"What happened?" She didn't speak, the worst started playing through my head.

"Are you breaking up with me again?" The words hurt to say, but I needed to know the answer. Or maybe I didn't, there was only one answer I wanted to hear.

"No, no. I'm not breaking up with you." I let out a breath.

"Why were you with Gray?" I think I already know the answer but I had to start somewhere.

"I needed a ride and I didn't want to call you. I didn't want you to see me like that again."

"Can I have the whole story please?"

"My parents know about us." I felt my heart stop. My mind flashed back to when they found out about us.

"Charlotte outed us."

"Start from the beginning please." I sat and listened to Riley tell me the whole story from tonight. From when Charlotte outed her in her own kitchen in front of her parents. She told me about the comment from her parents. Then she went on to being at the restaurant and at the club with the girls. She told me about her and Charlottes 'break up'. She then told me about her fight with Gray. I know she's leaving out details. I know when she's not telling me things, but the things she was telling me were more telling than the things she wasn't. I grabbed her hand and didn't let go.

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