Chapter 36

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Tess's POV

When I got to the car both Lauren and Riley were asleep. I didn't want to wake them so I just put the car in drive and took us home. I hoped they would just stay asleep. I didn't want Lauren to start talking to Riley and make things worse. Once I realized that they weren't waking up any time soon my mind started replaying that kiss in my head over and over. Kissing him was nothing like kissing Riley. Kissing Riley was like fourth of July fireworks. Kissing her made me feel something I'd never felt before, but kissing him. Kissing him was nice, new. I don't know. I kept comparing the two on the way home. I went back and forth, but in the end, I still loved her. I loved her, flaws and all, and while kissing him was fun, and new, and exciting, it just wasn't the same.

When we pulled into the drive way Lauren had already started to wake up. I didn't need to tell her not to wake mom and dad. If they knew she'd been drinking they would kill us both. I parked the car and she got off. Riley was still asleep, and even though I needed to, I didn't want to wake her. I put my hand on her knee and shook her a bit.

"Hey, we're here." She opened her eyes, looked around, then started getting her stuff. She wasn't speaking, but I figured it was just because she was still drunk. She followed me into the house, and we silently crept up the stairs. I opened the door to my room and watched as she walked in. I went to the drawer and pulled out some pajamas for both of us. I handed them to her. She threw them on the bed so she could take her clothes off. I did the same. Once she was in the clothes I gave her, she got into my bed, laid on her side, and closed her eyes. I turned on my phone flashlight, then turned off the lights in my room. I got into bed and laid on my side and faced her.


"Yeah?" Even in the dark I could still see that she had her eyes closed.

"What happened?"

"Nothing." I ran my fingers along her cheek.

"Does your hand hurt?"

"No." I scooted closer to her.

"Will you please just talk to me?" I felt her sigh.

"It was just a bad day."

"Do you want to talk about it?" At this I felt her shake her head no then scoot closer to me. She was so close to me that I could feel her nose touch mine every time she breathed in.

"You know you can always talk to me, right?"

"Yeah. I know."

I felt her move her head just slightly, and with that movement out lips touched but just barely. I couldn't help myself. I leaned in and kissed her. I felt her hand come up to my cheek, and pull me in closer. Her lips were firm, and full of love. I could feel all her emotions just from the way she was kissing me. I felt her snake her arm under me and pull me on top of her. I was now straddling her. I could feel her looking at me, even in the dark. Her hand gently came up to my neck and pulled me back down towards her. I felt her hands on my hips, she motioned for me to start grinding on her, back and forth. So, I did. I heard a moan escape from her lips. Her hands found their way under my shirt and traced their way up my back, sending shivers down my spine. In one swift motion she flipped us so that I was now laying on my back, and she was on top of me. She pulled me up so that she could pull my shirt off, then stared down at my naked breast. She took off her shirt, and then leaned back down to kiss me. I felt her hand slide up my body to my nipple. As she played with it I heard a moan come from my lips. All of a sudden, she stopped. She pulled her lips away from mine, and then stared at me in the darkness.



"I love you." The feeling I got from those words was indescribable. Hearing them from the only person in the world that you want to hear them from, it can't be put in to words.

"I love you too."

She came back down to my lips and gently placed hers on mine. I felt her hand slide down my torso, and down to the hem of my shorts. She slid her hand into my pants and started to rub my clit. Just the touch of her hand made my body shiver. With her lips on mine, and her fingering me, I felt myself start to get close. Everything about her felt so good. I didn't even notice that moans were coming from my lips until Riley used her other hand to cover my mouth. As I got even closer I felt Riley kiss my cheek ever so softly. As I came I felt myself wrap my arms around her and pull her in towards me. My whole body convulsed from her. When Riley took her hand off my mouth, I was out of breath.

We laid there for a second, just wrapped in each other's arms. That is until I flipped her over on her back. Neither of us spoke. We didn't need to. I slid my hand down her body and to her center. I could already feel how wet she was.

"Take your shorts off." She did what I told her and took them off. She sat up and was leaning back on her hands just looking at me. I kissed her again, and slowly started kissing down her neck. I then took her nipple in my mouth and started to play with it with my tongue. I kissed my way down her body and to her center. I loved the way she tasted. I felt her run her fingers through my hair. As I continued with my mouth, I then slid one finger into her. She let out a soft moan as I did that. When she came, her back lifted up off the bed, and her legs closed around me. I came back up to her and just laid next to her as she tried to catch her breath. I kissed her cheek, and then pulled her close to me. I love this girl, even if she won't let me love her the way I want to. 

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