It's a fight!

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"Wait, Hold on" Scott asks

"Who are you exactly and why are we fighting?" He asks the dude

"Aren't you Scott Pilgrim?" The dude asks hesitatingly.

"Depends who's asking" Scott answers which basically just confirms his identity to his opponent.

The dude smiles and stands up straight.

"It is I" He snaps his finger and a disco ball drops from the ceiling with some background music.

He then proceeds to stylishly open his Jacket revealing his red shirt with black stripes, or is it black shirt with red stripes? anyway, thank god He's not a flasher.

"Mathew Patel, Ramonas first evil Ex-Boyfriend" Scott looks to Ramona, then to you, and you look to Ramona then to Scott, you and Ramona both shrug your shoulders.

"Cool, and you're here because?" Scott asks which seems to infuriate Patel.

"Didn't you read my letter?" He asks back and Scott answers with.

"kind of" Patel has a sweat drop from his hair.

"I hand-delivered it during a blizzard!" We feel pity for him, and it seems Scott does too, because He drops his bass and squats down to be on eye level with Patel, Patel looks away furious at Scott.

"It said, Ramona has seven evil exes, each one more powerful than the last, all of whom you must defeat in order to date her. It was a very detailed letter okay!" Patel screams

"You knew about this?" Scott asks Ramona and she confirms.

"I, Yeah I did, I sort of thought it was a joke" Patel is visibly frustrated and heart broken now.

"and you really dated this guy?" Scott asks.

Turns out Ramona did dated Patel way back when they were young, but it was only for her to get rid of the jocks that were aiming for her, she mentioned they kissed but after all the jocks were defeated she broke up with Patel.

Cold Ramona, real cold.

You look to Ramona and she stares at you back.

"Remind me to not date you" This hurts her but she understands why, at least it's not because of her is what she thought. It was at this point that Knives seems to realize that her face is feeling even wetter than before, so she slowly opens her eyes to see Yoda which freaks her out.

"Rat!" She yells causing Yoda to jump up to my head in fright, you chuckle.

"No, He's not a rat, He's a sugar glider, see Yoda this is why I told you to lose weight" Yoda slowly licks your hair in acknowledgment.

"Umm, (Y/n)? can you put me down now?" Knives says looking away from your face, you gently put her down on her feet.

"Hum, Thanks, so what did I miss?" She asks.

"Scotts fighting someone" You explain not wanting to break her heart yet if she finds out that He's fighting Ramonas ex.

"He's fighting someone?!" Knives say suddenly pulling a 'Go Scott!' flag from inside her Parka.

"Has she always have that?" You ask to Julie but she shrugs her shoulders

"He has mystical powers? unfair" Scott says unapprovingly.

"All's fair in love and uh" Patel seems to forgot what the continuation of that line is.

"War? I think it's war" Scott finishes Patels line.

"It is war" You add in much to Patels annoyance.

"Shut it! It's time to fight!" Patel points to Scott.

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