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I canceled our date. I know bummer, but let's be real, it was never going to work. She's an enforcer, I tried to kill her sister, her fathers Vander, her uncle is SILCO! It was never going to work.

Im really annoyed by it because I really did like her, she was kind, funny, strong, compassionate, and so much more. I wish it would work, but it won't.

Mouths have passed since the accident. She's giving me the cold shoulder which is completely fair, so I don't bug her about it. Everything else at home is relatively the same.

Work has changed a lot, I'm making good money. I work less in the ring and more on jobs, most with Sevika. I think Renata just wants me to keep an eye on her.

Other the the fact that Sevika is a traitor, she is a really good friend. I mean shit, She's always there to help me up, and she always shows up when shit hits the fan. We talk a lot, joke even. I've played cards with her, we buy each other cigarettes.

I'm can't lie and say that I won't be hurt when the traitor thing happens. When she or I need to stab each other in the back.

I'm ignoring venders calls, he sent me a text saying that we needed to talk. I'm a proud pussy, and not responding.

Clagger has sent me a text here and there, asking how I'm doing, it's sweet. Mylo and I haven't talked since last time, it's Better this way.

I fix my glasses as Renata tells me about today's meeting, she wants me there. "Some street gang, they call themselves the Lost Children of Zaun." That sounds, cool as fuck.

"I've got to admit they are doing wonders for Zaun. Less people hungry, less drugs on the streets, Which as you can assume Slico isn't thrilled about." I nod. I want noodle's, maybe I can fry and egg next to it this time? No, I'll burn the house down.

Her request is simple: stand behind her during the meeting to ensure things stay under control.

This meeting is really fucking boring. Some Vastaya guy named Scar came in with a small group of 3, everyone but him wore masks, animal masks. That's so weird.

They want an alliance with Renata, I just realized I might be part of a mob. Love that. She agreed, they want Silco out of the picture.

"That concludes business, find a time to schedule a meeting with your leader and contact this number." She slides a paper with a phone number on it. I glance at it and realize it's mine. Oh fuck me. Scar takes the paper and nods.

"My associate will walk you out." Everyone gets up and I follow them down to the back door. They all head out, but scar stops and looks over at me.

"I've never seen you before, you new to town?" He's trying to dig info out of me. I put on a sweet smile, "nope"


"Sevika wasn't there?" I ask slightly surprised. the Lost Children of Zaun. I started with a few others a couple years back. We want what's best for the undercity.

"No, someone else. we did some digging. She fights in the ring, names y/n" I stand up straight, caught of guard. "y/n?" "Yeah, she hasn't lost a fight. Even beat jinx" No, it can't be. There is no fucking way it's her.

I'm waiting on the couch for y/n to come home. This feels wrong, she's from piltover, no way in hell y/n is some street fighter. The worst part is that it makes a lot of sense if she is, it works. She's strong, really strong. She works late hours, she's always bruised up, doesn't talk about her day, never brings up work.

But, it also would make sense if she wasn't. She works late hours because she works at a bar, she's explained that she's pretty much a bouncer, and well why the hell would she live in a house filled with enforcers if she worked for Renata.

But the description, it matches her perfectly. It's her. She's playing us, all of us. Vi, Caitlyn, even Vander.

It's almost 3am, the door creaks open and I hear her kick her boots off, her walking into the kitchen, and her turning on the microwave. Noodles.

After a few minutes I watch her walk through the living room, heading to her room. I look her up and down, look at the way she's dressed, she even looks like a criminal, but that works for a bartender outfit.

She spots me and freezes. "You alright hun? Why are you still up?" I don't respond. She walks over and sits next to me on the couch. I turn to her and see her take a bite of some of her noodles.

She places the cup down on the coffee table. "You look ready to kill, why are you sitting in complete darkness?" She seems genuine, maybe even a little worried.

"Just been a rough day." She nods in agreement. "Wanna talk about it?" I feel sick to my stomach, I've known this girl for months. She's gone out with Vi, she's meet our family. All this time, was she lying? Is this all a lie?

I wipe my face in response. This has grown tiring, you really can't trust anyone these days. "What would you do if a friend of yours was lying to you?" I ask leaning back. Her eyes soften, but she smiles.

"I'd try and understand why. Why they felt the need to lie, their answer will tell you everything about how to respond" she seems so genuine, does she know about me? And does she know I know about her?

She starts eating her noodles again, I just look at her, inspecting everything about her. I smile and sigh, I need to sleep. Everything will be confirmed at the meeting.

"It's time I knock out" I get up and shove my hands in my pockets. "Thanks, helped a lot" She looks up at me and gives a nod.

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